Thursday, November 20, 2008

She's a star...

...soon to be a basketball star!!!

Jackie tried out for the girls' basketball team at school yesterday, and made it!!!

Way to go for the tall kid here at Happy Acres!! When she's playing in the WMBA,

she can support her parents in the style to which they would LOVE to become accustomed!

Congratulations to our Miss J!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's a little early, but...

...It's beginning to look a LOT like Christmas here at Happy Acres!!!

So many many places to string them...

Two entire trees to decorate...

Is that too many??? Can you have too many Christmas trees??? Hummmm...


Voila! The completed project, from the outside, looking in...

I LOVE Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!!!

Many years ago, my Dad started what has become an honored tradition of military service in our family.

Dad and his brother, my Uncle Gene, both served 20 years with distinction and honor in the United States Air Force.

Today, both my nephews, Trevor and Sean Wozniak are serving in the military. To these honorable men, and all the men and women who serve our great Nation so faithfully, I say a heart-felt "Thank you, and God bless you!"

Happy Veteran's Day!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Home can be a Heaven on Earth...

...When it is filled with love....

When Kevin and I got married, we wanted a big family. We were blessed to adopt our two girls. We were thrilled with our "little family". This past year, we've been blessed with the big family we always just took a different form than we imagined. Funny how when you put yourself in Heavenly Father's hands, He answers your prayers HIS way...and it's always for the best.

Last year when we moved in here at "Happy Acres", we went from a family of four to a hodge-podge-family of six... We didn't add any new kids (well, Marc and Debra CAN revert back to childhood from time to time...don't we all? haha) - we added an Uncle and Aunt.

Last month, we went from a family of six to a family of seven when we brought Kevin's mom home to live with us. We always tell Kevin that when he got Doris for a mom, he won the "Mommy-lottery". I guess that means I won the "Mommy-in-law-lottery"...LUCKY ME!!!

Here's the sign Amanda made for Grandma's bedroom door.

Today Mom unpacked her final box and we finished decorating the den for her.
Kevin installed the shelves and hung the pictures,

Deb and I cleaned all the glassware,

and Marc made sure everything was arranged just perfectly.

Now Grandma can be cozy in her chair, surrounded by her beautiful things, and warmed by the cats who fight over who gets to snuggle on Grandma's lap.

Yes, many years ago, Kevin and I dreamed of the big family we'd have. Thanks to Heavenly Father, we have the big family we need. It isn't perfect...(whose is?) but it's perfect for us. Getting to have Grandma live with us was just exactly what we needed.
Life is good!

Monday, November 3, 2008

He Loves Me!!!!

"I'm doing this for you, y'know?!!!", He called down to me as I stood watching him with my heart in my throat.

"I hope you know how much I love you!!!" He shouted.

His love for me was shouted from the rooftops...and they say romance is dead...
