Monday, December 16, 2013

There is a reason....

As another year in our lives here at "Happy Acres" comes to an end, we've taken some time to pause and review...It hasn't been an easy year for our little family.  That isn't to say that it's been all "hard things", but we have had some (ok, kind of a continuous flow of, lol) bumps in our road.  

Years ago, at the end of another of these "challenging" years, our sweet home-teacher came to pay us a visit.  "How are the Websters doing?", he asked....I'm sure he didn't expect the dump-truck load of woes Kevin landed on him in answer to that innocent question.  It was a year where so much was going on in our extended family, and we felt so burdened with worry and care in their behalf.  Our wise-beyond-his-years home teacher asked if he might leave us with a word of prayer.  I will never forget that prayer.  He said, "Heavenly Father, we thank thee that thou hast trusted the Websters with these trials in their lives..."  I don't remember anything else from that prayer, just that sentence.  I had NEVER thought of the challenges in my life as things with which Heavenly Father was trusting, I had always thought of them as burdens to be carried and gotten through.  Honestly, that simple prayer changed how Kevin and I have looked at the events in our life ever since.  I am sure that sweet, faithful brother had no idea how profoundly he changed us.  Talk about angels among us.

With that in mind, Kevin and I have been talking about all the things that we've been called upon to endure this year, and we are seeing a pattern in our lives.  Each of these challenges has brought new depths of spirituality and faith to our lives.  We see our loving Heavenly Father entrusting us with lessons for us to learn and trusting us to learn what He is trying to teach us.  We see Him guiding, shaping, and molding each of us into the children of God we are supposed to be.  We see our small place in His great plan of Happiness as we put ourselves into His capable hands and allow Him to refine us.  It's a matter of agency and freely giving ourselves over to His care.  It's acknowledging that He knows what's best and then following His path.  Ultimately the goal is for us to live in celestial families with our beloved Father-in-Heaven.

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.  Last week, I couldn't have said that it was anymore.  I felt so overwhelmed with the bumps in our road that just seemed to keep coming and coming and coming; without any breathing room.  At a particularly low point, I cried out to my Heavenly Father, "God, couldn't you at least give us a break, here?!?!"  That was when the blessings started to flow.  Not that the bumps in the road went away, nope they're still coming.  My ability to deal with them and still find peace simply increased.  I was blessed, though a series of small, acts of kindness, to be able to see how along with those "bumps in the road" Heavenly Father was pouring out blessings on our little family.  There's a scripture that talks about blessings being poured out such that your heart can't fully receive them (or something like that)...I understand how that feels.  It's not that the nature of our challenges have diminished, but our ability to learn and grow from them has increased.

Many years ago, on a peaceful, seemingly ordinary night, God gave His most precious gift to His earthly children.  He sent His only begotten Son to earth.  Born of a virgin, cradled in a manger, the God of Heaven came to earth to fulfill a mission that only He could fulfill.  Because of that priceless gift, we can all find peace and hope through all the trials and "bumps in the road" we encounter in our lives.  Jesus Christ took upon Himself not just our sins, but He willingly endured all of our pains, sicknesses and sorrows.  He did this so that He could have perfect empathy and perfectly succor us in our times of need.  It was a gift freely given.  All we have to do is reach out,accept it, and follow His way; His path back to our Heavenly Father's presence.  That's the reason for the plan...that's the reason for the season...Heavenly Father wants His children to come home and live with Him in peace and joy forever.  

I am grateful beyond words for the great plan of Happiness - for the gift of Jesus Christ and all He did for each of us.  Because of Him, I have the hope of being reunited with my loved ones who've passed on.  Because of Him I have the hope of having Kevin as my eternal companion and being a "forever-family" with our precious children.  That is the hope, peace and joy I get from Christmas...all those shiny, hope-filled-blessings wrapped in swaddling clothes...lying in a manger...

God bless each of you, our beloved

family and friends.  Have a Merry (Hope-filled) Christmas and a safe and blessed New Year!  

With all our love,

The Websters
Netty, Kev, Jackie, Mandy and Chris

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It never rains, but it pours...

...but at our house, it's hailing!!

It seems as if life is determined to test our little family.  I just read the blog-post prior to this one, and realized the challenges just keep on coming - and coming - and coming....

Sinus infections started it.  Pneumonia and bronchitis followed.  In the midst of canning 50 pounds of potatoes, I started having shoulder pain that hasn't gone away.  Jackie got her impacted wisdom teeth removed.  I scheduled that for a Friday so she wouldn't miss too much school.  Over the weekend, she started coughing and spiked a fever.  The washing machine broke-down...  Jackie's cough and fever turned out to be pneumonia, which kept her out of school for more than a week.  My shoulder pain turned out to be a torn rotator cuff, which might need to be repaired surgically.  This morning, the water heater decided to join the fray and stopped working.  Can you see the hail falling down??

As bad as all that sounds and lest you think I am engaging in a pity-party; let's look at the other side of the coin.

Kevin got better.  Let's say that again!  Kevin got better!!!!! (He had me more than a little worried.)  I can still use my OTHER arm and I'm learning to do things left-handed.  Who knows, by the time I'm done with all this, I might actually be ambidextrous. haha  The washing machine got fixed. (thank-you Marc & Deb)!!! 

All kidding aside, I have been looking at our lives, and in spite of the challenges we're facing, I can see so many, many more blessings that have been showered down upon us.  

We have a loving family-relationship.  Kevin and I have a wonderful marriage that we both treasure!  Our children are learning, growing, and becoming the daughters of God Heavenly Father wants them to be.  I have a wonderful son-in-law whom I cherish!  Kev has a good job.  We have a nice home that shelters us from the elements.  We have loving family and friends who enrich our lives beyond measure.  Most important, we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.  We've made covenants in Heavenly Father's Holy Temple which will allow us to live as a family forever.  We have a living prophet on earth today and apostles to help lead and guide His Church.  Their counsel and guidance enrich our lives beyond measure.  We have the knowledge that we are children of God and that He loves us.

When viewed through the lens of our many blessings, what seemed like hail now looks like a gentle Spring shower.  

Good thing we have a blessing-umbrella!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


It's been a tough few weeks here at Happy Acres.  Kev and I both had a sinus infection that wiped us out pretty thoroughly.  Then Kevin got REALLY sick with a cough that turned out to be pneumonia.  Then had a severe allergic reaction to the medication the doctor gave him and almost ended up in the hospital.  

Scared me a little.  (Ok, more than a little.)  Just when Kevin started feeling more like himself, I came down with a cough and Kevin whisked me off to the doctor.  Who knew pneumonia was contagious??? Not me!  According to the doctor, my lungs looked and sounded "junky" that a new medical term? lol

In the midst of all this, I have taken time to look at our lives and found great reasons to give thanks to our loving Heavenly Father.  As bad as Kevin got, it could have been so much worse.  As sick as I've felt the last few days, I didn't get as bad as Kevin because my sweet Hubby took me right in to get this treated.  We have had Ward members bring us dinner and friends and family praying for us.  We have felt the benefits of those prayers everyday.

Most of all, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who trust us with challenging circumstances in our lives.  I see Him guiding me through these challenges and trusting me to learn the lessons from them that I need to learn in order for me to become who I am supposed to be.  

Today I felt a little better (getting a warm shower definitely helped! lol).  I had a long talk with my Heavenly Father and then read my scriptures.  I am so grateful for the time I get each day to learn from the scriptures and talk to my Father-in-Heaven.  I love how it makes me feel.  I love how much closer to Him I feel when I do what He asks of me.  My days go better, I am more patient, kind, and understanding.  I love His influence in my life.  Most of all, I love how grateful to Him I feel each day, for His love, kindness, and tender-mercies!

Just sayin'...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Twice a year!!!

The first weekend of each April and October is General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Those are also my very favorite weekends of the year!!!

Twice on each Saturday and Sunday of those weekends, we get to listen to our Church leaders teach us the doctrines of the Gospel and how to apply them in our lives.  They are inspiring and uplifting.  I always come away feeling full to overflowing with hope and optimism for my continuing journey through life.

Here in Utah, we get to watch these sessions of Conference on TV from the comfort of our own living room! We lovingly refer to this as "jammie-church".  We get to be comfy and cozy (often in our PJ's) to watch, listen and learn.  Usually we accompany this with yummy food, so there is a definite celebratory feeling to the entire weekend.  Other people get to go to the Conference Center in Salt Lake City to watch it live.  

Still others attend at their various meeting-houses and watch via satellite.

However, even if I had to dress in Church-clothes and go to a Chapel to watch and listen to Conference, it would still be my favorite time!  More than anything, I love how I feel after Conference weekend: uplifted, inspired, and loved by my Heavenly Father!

If you're interested in watching or learning more, please feel free to go to or for more information.  We love to share those things that make us so happy!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Invisible vs. Inspiring...

September 29, 2009 I posted a blog entry entitled "Invisible No More".  It was a very personal entry about my weight-loss journey.  I re-read it again today.  Interestingly enough, I've strayed from the path that prompted that post.  Strayed?  Maybe not the best word, maybe I should say I've found a better path on that journey.  When I wrote that post, I was in the midst of trying yet another "fad-diet".  It worked for a time, but didn't last, anymore than any of the others had.

On December 13, 2013, I wrote a related post entitled "Things I Am Learning".  This was the start of a different, healthier weigh-loss journey which nine months later, I am still on.  What does this have to do with today?  Well, hang around for a bit longer and I'll tell you.

When I first began working with Jerry Shannon (my personal trainer/nutritionist), the most difficult exercise I could do was something akin to cross-body-toe touches without actually bending far enough to touch my toes.  Ten to fifteen minutes on the treadmill on a zero incline almost did me in.  I measured initially at over 155% body-fat.  YIKES!!!  Now, I am doing resistance-training (weights), I am able to do every exercise Jerry gives me, and have increased my repetitions.  Yesterday I did 35 minutes of interval training (inclines up to 6+%) on the treadmill.  On my days outside of the gym, I am regularly walking a mile and a half!!!  What a difference nine months have made.  Yesterday we measured me.  I am below 138% body-fat.

This was me at my heaviest...almost 400lbs.

 This is me, today!
What prompted this new blog entry?  Well, I'll tell you...

Yesterday, at the gym, I was approached by a woman who was just leaving after working out.  She was fit and trim and looked amazing!  As she walked out the door, she caught my attention then said, "You are inspiring!!!".  I looked at her and said, "Who? ME?!?!"  She laughed and said, "Yes, YOU!!! You are an inspiration to all of us!"  Me?? An Inspiration???? WOW!  I said "Thank you!" and pretty much finished my work-out walking on air.

I have never thought of myself as inspirational.  I am just me...doing what I do.  I feel blessed and lucky that Heavenly Father has heard and answered my prayers.  He has put people in my life to lift and inspire me.  He has guided me through experiences which have given me the courage and faith to do "hard-things".  Let me tell you, for someone my size and in my physical condition; walking into that gym the first time was a hard thing!!  Along the way, I have developed some habits which are helping me be accountable.  

Every time I work out, I post my experience on Facebook.  I have such supportive family and friends who read my posts and give me encouragement.  I need that!  But I mostly post to FB in an attempt to hold myself accountable to those loving and supportive family and friends.  Every time I work-out I report to Kevin what I've done.  He's become my "work-out-buddy".  He's WAY more advanced that I am, but we do similar exercises and allow Jerry to torture us  both into shape.  Along the way, we've developed similar aches and pains.  Ask about life after a "leg-day" sometime. haha

I have a beloved sister who regularly responds to my FB posts with "Keep it up, Sissy...I am SO proud of you!"  I can get SO much mileage on the treadmill with posts like that!  I have an equally beloved sister-in-law who regularly calls me "Skinny-Lou-Who".  I can lift extra reps with THAT name in my heart!

I have been the one sitting at home moping about my lack of energy and obese condition.  I have also been the one out there actively pushing myself to be better.  I have felt the aches and pains of obesity and the arthritic conditions it causes.  I would rather feel the muscle aches and pains that I currently feel because I am out in the world getting healthy and strong.  Every time I feel muscle aches, I tell myself "But, it's a GOOD pain" haha

In the end...I would rather be INSPIRING than INVISIBLE!!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's that time again...


Last year and this year have seemed a little surreal as school started.  I guess I'm still not used to only having one kid going back to school.  This year, Mandy wasn't even in the house.  Like I said...surreal.  Still this is life and change is definitely a constant here at "Happy Acres".

This year Jackie begins her Junior Year of High School.  She has changed and grown over the summer.  She is still our "Whackie-Jackie" and makes me laugh like nobody else can, but there's a depth of maturity in our girl that is heart-warming.  Just like every other school year, the night before school started, Kevin sat Jackie down and gave her a "Father's Blessing".  Again, like every year, I sit in awe at the counsel and wisdom our Heavenly Father shares with my children through Kevin as he exercises his priesthood.  I am grateful beyond words for the gift of a husband who worthily honors his priesthood.

So, while Jackie begins her adventures as a Junior in High School, Amanda and Chris continue their adventures of newlywed-life.  Amanda is working at her first job as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).  She finds it challenging and rewarding at the same time.  What she loves most is having the opportunity to care for her patients.  Mandy loves the elderly, so this job is a great fit!

More adventures in our family came today as Jackie got her driver's license.  She passed the driving test with her Driver's Ed teacher a couple of weeks ago.  Today we trekked down to the DMV and got her license.  Jackie's excited....the drivers of Utah County should beware. haha  Actually, she's a good driver, just not very experienced. 

 Seems as if this has been our year for milestones....Like I said, change is definitely a constant here at Happy Acres.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wedding Day!!!

Here it is...the Wedding-Day blog. I am just going to post pictures that highlight the day for me. Hope you enjoy! I know I did!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


A lot of things have happened at our house, so far this summer.  Not the least of which was Amanda's marriage to Christopher Christiansen.  Since I just received the wedding pictures from the photographer, I will have a blog about that day coming soon.

However, something else happened just yesterday that I felt the need to share.  It isn't anything new in my life.  I've done this more times than I can count.  This time, I needed to express my feelings about it.  

When I was 12 years-old, my parents introduced my siblings and me to a pair of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Elders Call and Bates taught us the Gospel of Jesus Christ and introduced us to the Book of Mormon along with the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  I grew up without ever having heard the word "mormon", and yet their message sounded so familiar to me.  It was like something I had always known, but forgotten somehow.

Since that time, I have read and re-read the Book of Mormon more times than I can remember.  Each time I do, I learn something new, or gain an insight that I never had before. Yesterday, I finished reading this marvelous book again.

I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  It is a record of the ancient inhabitants of this land, and contains the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It goes hand-in-hand with the Holy Bible.  Indeed, it is another testament of Jesus Christ. Because of this book, I know without a doubt that Jesus Christ died for my sins.  I know He is my Savior and Redeemer.  He knows me, loves me, and is always there when I need Him.  I know that by reading and following the teachings contained in the Book of Mormon, I live a better, more fulfilled, and happier life.

I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  I know that he saw God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ.  I know that through him, the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.  I know that by the power of God, Joseph Smith translated the ancient record into what we have today as the Book of Mormon.

At the end of the Book of Mormon, there is a verse of scripture that includes a challenge and a promise.  Moroni, the last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon says:  "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

All those years ago, when I first read the Book of Mormon, I took Moroni's challenge to heart and I asked God if this book was true...if the story of Joseph Smith was true.  I can't truly describe what I felt in answer to that prayer.  It was peace, and assurance and a deep abiding certainty that these things were indeed from God.

From that day to this, every time I finish reading the Book of Mormon, that certainty is reaffirmed.  Every good and precious thing in my life has come because I took that challenge and found the truth for myself.  I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for having mercy on a 12 year-old girl, and bringing the gift of His Gospel into her life!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A gift and a blessing...

What a spiritual feast we had this weekend.  Amanda and Chris went to the Temple to receive their endowments prior to getting married this coming Friday.  I don't have words to express what that felt like, but my heart was full to overflowing with love and joy for these two amazing young adults.

Sunday, Jackie received her Patriarchal Blessing.  Again, words cannot describe my feelings.  To hear the words from our Heavenly Father through His ordained Patriarch, as he pronounced a blessing as unique and marvelous as the young woman receiving it; moved all of us to tears. 

I am grateful beyond measure for the gift of my daughters in my life. I love and admire them more than I can say.  I am so thankful for their good choices and the blessings that have resulted from them.  Heavenly Father has definitely been good to our family.

Friday, June 14, 2013


I was blessed to have an AWESOME Daddy.

Heavenly Father was definitely looking out for me when He also blessed me with an AMAZING Daddy for my children.

Years ago, I came across a poem about daddies that definitely applies to the Daddies in my life.

My Daddy is My Hero...

My Daddy is my hero 
and I can tell you why.
He's strong and brave and handome
and makes me happy when I cry.

He always has been there for me,
I'll love him 'til the end.
He's not just my hero,
but also my friend!

Happy Father's day to my beloved Daddy who is celebrating with my Heavenly Father.  Happy Father's Day to my sweet Hubby.  He is SUCH a good Daddy to our girls, and a great example of what a truly honorable man should be.  I love you both!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A little white dress...

This week Amanda and I went to the Bridal Center here in Lehi and brought home her wedding dress.  It seems like a minute ago she tried it on for the first time and got "that" look on her face.

Then again, it seems like a minute ago, when I dressed her in the first white dress of her life.  The one she was blessed in as a baby. Thinking of that, reminded me of a song I've heard with lyrics that speak of a young LDS woman and the three white dresses she wears for significant events in her life.

The first is when she is a baby and given her name and a blessing by her father.
"Sent to this earth
You were saved through the ages for this day
and time
Child of great worth
Child of promise, daughter of the Divine
Pure and holy in a little, white dress
You were held in a circle and you were
And the Father looked down
And the angels surrounded that place
They knew the truth, all that you could do
And you will, too, if you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you"

The second is when she enters the waters of baptism and makes covenants to follow her Heavenly Father in obedience as a member of His Church.

"Dressed in white once more
Making promises to follow in God’s way
So much lies in store
For the little girl who enters at the gate
Pure and holy in a little, white dress
You were led into the water and you were

The third is her wedding dress...

"In the house of God, so much fills your heart
and mind
Woman of great worth
Woman of promise, daughter of the Divine
Pure and holy in a long, white dress
You promise forever and you are blessed
And the Father looks down
And the angels surround that place
They know the truth, all that you can do
And you do, too, ‘cause you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you"

I look at this lovely daughter of mine, ready to embark on the next great adventure in her young life, and my heart is full.  I am so proud of her and the good choices she's made in her life.  I am so grateful that in Chris, she has found a worthy and honorable companion with whom to embark on this adventure that we call marriage.  So many feelings, and no words eloquent enough to express them.  I am just grateful that I can see what Heaven sees in her...that she truly is a woman of great worth.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Moving on...

A few weeks ago, I came to the determination that I was hanging on to too much baggage. When "drama" occurred in and around my life, I found myself harboring feelings of resentment....for too long.  I decided that I didn't like that about myself or how it made me feel.  So, I shipped off the baggage and moved on!  Thankfully, my baggage was lost and didn't arrive with me at my destination.  What was that destination???  I'm glad you asked.  I moved on to the state of "Happy".

It's amazing to me, how just changing my mindset has changed everything.  I feel so liberated...lighter, even.  I LOVE it!!!

Two years ago around this time, I embarked on an adventure of sorts.  I was preparing for a major surgery, which ended up taking me through some of the toughest and scariest moments of my life.  In the last six months, I've started a life-style change that has me going to the gym regularly and eating healthier.  Neither of which were exactly easy habits to adopt.  

I'm finding that Heavenly Father has many things to teach me and I'm LOVING the lessons.  Two years ago, I learned that I can survive hard things.  Since then, I have learned that I can DO hard things and even thrive on them.  All these changes have helped me become a better person.  They've certainly helped me become a happier person.  

I am learning to eagerly try new things...things I never thought I'd have the courage or confidence to try.  I am surprised to find myself being good at these new things.  All these new things, changes and attitudes in my life are helping me to find joy in my journey.  I love getting to share this journey with Kevin, Amanda, Jackie, and my extended family and friends! I can honestly say I LOVE MY LIFE! I'm so glad I'm allowing Heavenly Father to mold and refine me.  I'm so grateful He's directed my path so I can live in the state of "Happy"

Sunday, March 31, 2013

He is Risen!!!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Honor, privelege, pride, and trials....all in one!

Last year, a dear friend of ours ran for a vacant seat on the School Board for our daughter's charter school.  He encouraged me to run for another seat that came vacant at the same time.  Although I was intrigued by the idea, the timing wasn't right.  Since then, another friend has been seated on the board and another vacancy opened up.  The idea wouldn't leave me alone, so a few weeks ago, I put in my application.

Last week, I was interviewed along with three other candidates.  They were so well qualified, I almost withdrew my application. It was a little nerve racking, and intimidating.  Last night, at the monthly Board Meeting, another highly qualified candidate was interviewed.  Not being all that familiar with procedure, I assumed voting on the open Board position wouldn't take place until next month's meeting.  Imagine my surprise when voting took place last night.  Imagine my even GREATER surprise when I was selected to fill the vacant seat on the Board.

Now, I have never done anything like this before.  I have been an active volunteer in my kids' schools, even my niece's school,  over the years; but have never run for or been elected to any position.  I was amazed that I was chosen - I mean...I'm just me!  Nothing special, just muddling through, doing the best I can.  All that being said, I really want to help.  I really want to make a difference, and I really want to be part of making the school a better place for the kids, teachers and families who are involved there.  I am honored at the privilege that has been offered to me.  I am also a little (ok, a lot!) overwhelmed by all that I have to learn  Thankfully, I can be taught!!! haha

Last night, after the Board Meeting, we were blessed to be able to attend the ordination of Amanda's fiancee.  Chris was ordained to be an "Elder" in the Melchizedek Priesthood of the LDS Church.  Chris has worked long and hard to get to this point in his life.  We are extremely proud of him and appreciate the blessing of adding this good, good man to our family.  

Life wouldn't be life if all these good things weren't balanced with some trials.  We JUST had my car in the shop to have the drive-train fixed (that cost over $800.00  YIKES!!!)  Yesterday, Kevin's car went in for some routine maintenance that it needed in order to pass inspection for licensing.  This morning we learned that it needs much more than anticipated.  Again, YIKES!!!  Thankfully, we've been trying to put money aside for just such emergencies.  Thank Heavenly Father for inspiring us to do that.  The cost of these repairs is more than we want to spend, but MUCH - MUCH less than the cost of replacing Kevin's car.  It's 15 years old, but still in good condition AND we don't have a car payment!

In the end, we've had our ups and downs.  In spite of the challenges, life is good.  In fact, when I think about it; maybe the good things in our life seem so good BECAUSE of the challenges.  Hummmmm...something to think about.  I am just grateful for being able to find joy in the journey.  It certainly IS one heck of a ride!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another match made in Heaven....

On a cold, snowy night in February, Christopher Christiansen, took Amanda Webster for a walk on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah...

There, in front of the beautiful reflecting pool, with the majestic Temple glowing above them, and the snow falling softly around them; Chris knelt on one knee, pulled out a lovely, delicate ring, and asked Mandy to marry him in this life and in the next.

Congratulations to Chris and Mandy. May you have an eternity of love and joy together! We love you both, very much!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A match made in Heaven....'cause we would have messed it up if it had been up to us!

We met at the Homecoming Football Game of our High School.  He was a Senior and I was a Sophomore.

Our first "one-on-one", "official"-date didn't happen until 9 years later.  We went for a drive and talked for hours.  Dating was difficult since we lived in two different States, but we managed.  Long walks on the moonlit beach. 
 Fun days romping through Disneyland.  Idyllic evenings at Seaport Village in San Diego.  It was a dream-come-true...

Four months after our first date, and almost ten years after we met, he flew out to visit for the weekend.  I knew he was going to propose!  We were both really...really nervous!  After I picked him up at the airport and he asked me to drive over to the Mesa, AZ Temple, I knew this was "THE" moment.
There, in the soft lights shining on that beautiful Temple, he asked me to be his wife, his eternal companion, and the mother of his children.  I said, "Yes, I think I'd like that..."  ...and I have.

That was 25 years ago, today!  I am SO glad he asked....and SO happy I said "yes"!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

We laughed, we cried, we applauded in our hearts....(in the chapel, it's not considered reverent to applaud out loud).  She was as wonderful as we anticipated, and she helped the Spirit heal our wounded hearts.  This Saturday, Hilary Weeks spoke to our Stake Relief Society (Church women's group) Conference.

She sang, and spoke, and made us think and ponder. Sister Weeks has a gift of helping you see Heavenly Father's love for you, and bringing you closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. At our house, it had been the week from Hell! Kevin and I felt like human punching-bags. Life would hit us with one knock-out punch and as we'd rise, reeling from one, we'd be hit with another. It wasn't anything life-threatening, just life's challenging moments. However, they just seemed to come right on top of each other, so we never had a second to catch our breath. By Saturday morning, we both felt like ducking for cover and cringing as we waited for the next blow to fall. Either that, or hiding under the covers like children frightened in the dark at night. But, Kevin had a lesson to finish for Church the next day, and I had promised to take Mandy and Debra to Relief Society Conference. Even after we got there, I was sorely tempted to just drop them off and tell them I'd pick them up when it was done. I am so grateful that I stayed. It was crowded, and we couldn't get seats all together. I can't say I was in the most comfortable seat in the house, but it was so worth it! I don't have words to say how grateful I am. For Sister Weeks who took time out of her Saturday to share her gift with us. For the wonderful women who were there and lent their sweetness to the spirit of the day. Especially for a loving Father in Heaven who knows my heart and fills my needs even before I even realize what they are. He hears the silent prayers in my heart and in answering them, fills me with peace. By the time I got home, I was at peace and Heavenly Father had worked His magic on Kevin's heart as he prepared his lesson for the next day; so he was at peace as well.  The challenges haven't gone away, but our ability to handle them has increased.  With Heavenly Father in our corner, we can handle whatever comes next. I am and will be, forever grateful!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

More progress!

I just wanted to update you on my weight loss/fitness progress. Today I was weighed and measured.  I have lost 15 pounds all together, and another 5 pounds of fat.  My total body fat percentage has come down by almost 10%. Last week my trainer and I set a goal for me to increase my cardio time to 40 minutes from 35. That's 40 minutes with my heart rate up to its calorie-burning level. Today I achieved that goal!!!!

This is what 5lbs of fat vs. 5 lbs of muscle looks like.  ICK!
I wish I had better words to help you understand how this feels.  I feel AMAZING!  I have more energy, I don't feel sick or run-down all the time.  I hurt, but it's a good kind of muscle-hurt, not an achy over-burdened, out-of-shape kind of hurt.  I go to the gym and am constantly amazed at what my body can do.  So far, I have been able to do everything my trainer has required of me.  I'm not saying it's been easy, 'cause it's not.  I'm just getting so much stronger everyday.  When I look at where I was when I started this three months ago, and compare it to how I feel now; I am astonished!

Once again, I am overwhelmed by the love and support I am receiving.  I couldn't continue without it.  I am especially thankful to Jerry (my trainer), Kevin, and our girls for all their cheer-leading and encouragement.  Most of all I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for hearing and answering my prayers.  You have no idea how often I pray for the strength to get on that treadmill and keep walking!