Saturday, December 22, 2012

Making progress

....Just wanted to add an update to my last post.  I just went to the gym and got measured.  I have lost 15 pounds of fat and gained 13 pounds of lean muscle.  I am FINALLY actually able to see the results that everyone else keeps saying THEY'VE been seeing in me.  I am SO excited and very, very grateful!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Things I am learning...

A couple of years ago, I published a post about my attempts to lose weight (In a post entitled "Invisible, no more...).  A lot has happened since then, not the least of which were surgeries and complications.  Needless to say, the weight-loss hasn't happened as I hoped it would.  That's not to say I wasn't trying....I was just trying without much success.  At the end of this summer, after really trying to shed some pounds, I went to my doctor for a regular check-up.  Instead of losing weight, I was up 20 pounds!!!  I was devastated!

Of course the first person I turned to was Kevin.  We discussed our options - my doctor's recommended weight-loss clinic with its meal-replacement (and related expenses), gastric bypass surgery (researching THAT scared us both!), and finally, working with a personal trainer.  After much discussion and prayer, we chose the latter-option.

Kevin has been going to the gym at a local place called the XSI Factory.

He has become acquainted with many of the people who train there, and a few that work there, as well. One of the personal trainers who works there, is Jerry Shannon. Jerry is a physical trainer, and certified nutritionist.
Jerry doesn't just teach nutrition and exercise, he lives it as well. He is kind, dedicated, and patient. Best of all, he was willing to help me. Kevin embarked on this journey with me. My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle to achieve a healthy weight. Kevin's goal is to lose fat and build on the muscle he already has. Jerry developed a meal plan and an exercise plan for each of us; tailored to our individual needs. It was incredible! We each eat six small meals a day, and work with Jerry three times a week. It's been great to have Kevin and Jerry's support. It helps that Kev and I are both eating the same things. 

Meal-plan and exercise schedule in we went. We really didn't have to change too much of what we were already eating, we just added more fresh-foods and whole grains. For me, the exercise was the biggest obstacle. I have NEVER been a fan of exercising for the sake of working-out. 

So, here we are, eight weeks later...I have lost 16 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle. More than that, I FEEL amazing! I feel more alert and have so much more energy. I am sore a lot, but it's a good kind of sore. It's the soreness of muscles that are learning how they're SUPPOSED to work, not the soreness of joints that are aching because they're carrying too much weight. I can honestly say that I LOVE how I feel. 

Along the way, I've learned some things about myself. I've learned that I can eat foods I didn't think I liked. haha I have learned to LOVE oatmeal - who-da-thunk that???? I enjoy yams (didn't know that about myself, either...hummmm). I actually enjoy exercising. I look forward to my time at the gym. I enjoy the soreness I feel after a work-out because it tells me that my body is changing in a good way. I'm learning how my body is supposed to work. I'm learning that I am tougher than I thought. I am learning to see my own strength and to use it to get healthy. I am learning to live, eat, exercise, and progress in a healthy life-style that will benefit me for the rest of my life. Once again, Heavenly Father is teaching me that I CAN do hard-things.

As I progress on this program, I will post updates. Maybe, if I get brave enough, I'll share some pictures. Most of all, I appreciate the love and support I've received so far. I certainly couldn't do this without Kevin and Jerry's help. It would be a lot harder without the encouragement from all my family and friends. Stick around...the best is yet to come! 

PS:  Any of my local friends and neighbors who are looking for a healthier lifestyle, or just a great place to exercise, check out the XSI Factory.  Their address is:  4425 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi, UT. They even have a facebook page!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Two Horses...

Description: cid:941C2C0ABF4B4C1EAB39AFAEF6902B1C@lattituded610
Two Horses
Author Unknown

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two

horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks
like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by,

you will notice something quite amazing....
Description: cid:894FAF130B2C473D9C21B47847DEAF7B@lattituded610

Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that

he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him
put down, but has made a good home for him.

This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and

listen, you will hear the sound of a bell.
Looking around for the source of the sound,
you will see that it comes from the smaller
horse in the field.
Description: cid:B4859B67B3AC4FAF98B26BFBDB74D969@lattituded610

Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell.

It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is,
so he can follow.

As you stand and watch these two friends,

you'll see that the horse with the bell is always
checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse
will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to
where the other horse is, trusting that he
will not be led astray.
Description: cid:B45894DD176A4856A6538CCD552984D8@lattituded610

When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the

barn each evening, it stops occasionally and looks back,
Making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind

to hear the bell.

Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw

us away just because we are not perfect or because we
have problems or challenges.
Description: cid:5FB6DCE7F38046A8B8384399366E172F@lattituded610

He watches over us and even brings others into our lives
To help us when we are in need..

Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by

the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.
Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to

find their way....
Description: cid:CCBE27842D7049A7A0BB66484F870FFE@lattituded610

Good friends are like that... You may not always

see them, but you know they are always there..

Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours,

and remember...

Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle.

Description: cid:BCCEE278FF9F42E08E8B0B5099504770@lattituded610

Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......


Sky painting!

This morning God painted me a sunrise.....
...and I was grateful...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"With wings as eagles...

 I got up this morning, exhausted and completely UN-motivated.  Still, I had things to do, and an appointment at the gym with my personal trainer.  The thought of slogging through a work-out, the way I was feeling, was almost overwhelming.  So in my morning prayers, I asked Heavenly Father to help me do well and make it through my work-out.

I have seldom done my exercises with more enthusiasm or energy.  It was AMAZING!  My trainer was so proud of my endurance and stamina.  He even moved me up to a new level for my work-outs.  I was thrilled!

Coming home, I was listening to a General Conference talk on my ipod, and heard this scripture quoted:  Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

I am grateful for a loving Father-in-Heaven who hears and answers ALL my prayers.  Even those for something that as seemingly unimportant as a morning work-out!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks....

On this day of Thanksgiving, I am counting my blessings which includes all of you; my family and friends...
The original Thanksgiving was an Autumn Harvest Feast by the Pilgrims to celebrate the bounteous harvest they'd just received. So as we each enjoy our Thanksgiving celebrations, let's count our blessings and enjoy our day.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! 

All our love, 

The Websters Netty, Kev, Mandy, and Jackie

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It seems like yesterday....

...but it was actually 19 years ago, today.  He pulled the soft pink blanket away from her sleeping face because I was afraid to touch her.  I was afraid that after all these years of hoping, trying and waiting, she'd disappear if I touched her.  "Oh look, it's Amanda!", Kevin said in a hushed-voice.  Sure enough, it was.  I peeked over the edge of the tiny crib and saw our daughter for the first time.  She had a full-head of dark brown hair, delicate "snow-white" coloring, and was fast asleep.  We gently unwrapped her from her bedding and counted the perfect little fingers and toes.  As she awoke and we looked into each others eyes for the first time, I felt an instant soul-to-soul recognition.  Here was someone I had known before we both came to earth.  Here was someone who would be my daughter and was already one of my best friends.  Little did I know how prophetic those feelings actually were.

We had gotten the phone call from the adoption agency the day before and rushed up to Portland to pick up our baby-girl.  When we got there, we found that she'd had to remain in the hospital one more day, so we came back empty handed.  The hour's drive back home and the night that followed were the longest periods of time in my life.  To be so close to our hearts' desires just to walk away without her was heart breaking.  In Oregon at that time, the law stated that until the adoptive parents took custody, the birth-mother could change her mind and keep her child.  Needless to say, sleep did not come easy that night.

Early the next morning, we received another phone call from the agency.  Our baby-girl was in the local agency-office waiting for us.

Now here we were, seeing her for the first time.  We held our baby, cuddled her close, became family of three and had a very heart-felt family prayer of thanks.

Nineteen years have passed, and that precious little baby has grown into a lovely young woman.  We wouldn't change one moment of these past 19 years.  The miracle that brought Amanda to us has continued to bless our lives and our family.  We are so grateful to have this "angel-girl" in our lives.

Happy Anniversary, Mandy!!!

Amanda at 9 months-old
Amanda at 18 years-old

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Vacation Day 1

Since we were on vacation for 10 days and I took SO many pictures, I thought I'd break-down my posts by each day's activities.  So, here it goes.  Our first (non-travel) day was spent on Coronado Island and at Seaport Village in San Diego.  These are some of our favorite places, so naturally, we went there first!

 Coronado Island...

Seaport Village
Making wishes...don't laugh, it worked for me!
Coronado Island from Seaport Village
I couldn't get either one of them to smile normally... so I'm posting the "Dork-fish" faces!
Sunset over the Bay
The girls made friends with a "robot-man" street performer.  He was really good!

Ice cream...YUM!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coming soon...

...California vacation adventures!!! ..with pictures! Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday!!! my Daddy who is celebrating in Heaven.  
Happy 80th Birthday, Daddy!  
I love you...and I miss you everyday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Five years and four months...

...almost to the day...since we moved into this house, we FINALLY got our yard-in...sort of. haha
Kevin finished the sprinkler system and we finished leveling and raking the yard AND picked up a TON of rocks;

just in time to get the hydro-seeding done.

For those who don't know what hydro-seeding's Netty's version: Grass-seed is mixed with a liquid which contains the necessary mulch and fertilizer, then sprayed with a hose, over the prepared dirt. The mulch and liquid keep the seed from blowing away, and discourage birds from stealing the seed before it can sprout.

This is what the backyard looks like,
it's mostly done in this picture.

Front yard, east side...all done!

Front yard, west side...

In six to ten days, we should see the rye grass start to sprout. About 3 to 4 weeks later, the bluegrass should come up. We managed to get everything done JUST in time to get things sprouted and rooted before the first hard frost.

We owe thanks to SO many people!!! Our Ward members who have come and helped weed, rake, and pick up rocks. Our High Priest Group leader who dropped by to help whenever we needed him. Marc and Deb for purchasing the hydro-seeding and Gary Christiansen who actually did the hydro-seeding. Most of all, I thank Kevin for his hours and hours and hours of back-breaking, knee-straining, patience-eroding labor. Thanks,'re my hero!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


...Ok, not REALLY, just a Sunday drive, but it was fun and funny!

An amazing phenomenon happens whenever Jackie and I get in the car alone together for any length of time. The teenaged-Netty who still lives in my heart almost always comes out to play. The combination of that light-hearted, whacky person and the light-hearted, whacky daughter usually ends in hilarity.

This Sunday was no exception. Kevin and I decided to take a Sunday drive after Church. From our house, we could see great big patches of red appearing on our mountains. That usually signals that the leaves are changing, which usually means it's time for a drive up through the Alpine-Loop. (American Fork Canyon, over the pass to Provo Canyon). Unfortunately for Kevin, he was "on-call" for work and got paged, so he couldn't come. That left just me and Jackie...
time for an adventure.

Just a little background on me and Jackie and driving in the car. All throughout this past Summer, whenever I would drive Jackie's friends home at night, Jackie and I would end up "going for a drive" on our way home. We'd usually scare ourselves silly (ok, silliER) on the dark-creepy-back-country roads around our house. We're silly anyways, and highly imaginative, so it wasn't difficult. That's led to a mildly crazy sense of adventure whenever we go for a drive...

Jackie was "bored" with our usual drive through our closest canyons and wanted to try something different. So down the road to the south we went, and ended up in Spanish Fork Canyon.

That wasn't interesting enough for Miss J, so we turned around (flipped a U) and headed up some little back roads along the front of the Wasatch Mountains. In and out of neighborhoods, up and out of little canyon roads we went... Jackie was SURE she remembered the way up to a camp-ground we visited with the Young Adults when Kev was in the Bishopric at the UVU Ward....Sure, she was sure... NOT! haha

FINALLY after laughing at our miserable sense of direction and making a couple of phone calls to the navigation-guru (aka Kevin); we wound our way up Provo Canyon and over the Alpine Loop. It wasn't our USUAL drive...we did it in the opposite direction, this time. haha

Here are some pictures from our "adventure"...

The architect of our adventure...

Daring-Duo??? Or Complete-Crazies???
You decide... haha

To add to our mad-adventures...
As we were coming out of American Fork Canyon,
just below the Mt. Timpanogos Cave,
we encountered a sign like this one:

I said, "Wouldn't it be SO cool if we actually got to SEE a real-live mountain-goat?" (It's actually a big-horn sheep, but I didn't know that at the time.) To which Jackie replied, "Like that would happen, it's the wrong time of day." I said, "You're probably right. If we were here really early in the morning or at dusk, we'd have a better chance."

The words were scarcely out of my mouth as we rounded a bend in the road and almost ran into THIS:

She was a little lost and a little confused. I tooted the horn to get her moving out of the road so she tried to "play-chicken" with on-coming traffic...

She then tried going up the slope to our right. Unfortunately the rocks and dirt were really loose, so she kept sliding back down into the road. Poor thing...

She finally found a place where she could get some traction and off she went - after stopping traffic in both directions for almost 10 minutes.
That was the "Grand-finale" of our little Sunday-drive.

Who knows where our next adventure will take us.
Dun-dun-duuuunnn...."Only the Shadow knows..." (or Jackie haha)

Wherever we end up, it's a sure bet you'll be able to read about it here.

Thanks for being my co-pilot on this jaunt, Jackie! I love you!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Holy City

This weekend, Kevin and I had a rare and wonderful opportunity to walk the streets of Jerusalem. Right here in Utah!!! Thanks to our dear friend, Ken Harris, we were able to tour the LDS Church's film set of Jerusalem. This HUGE (and amazing) set is just south of us in Goshen, UT. To say it was incredible would be an understatement, but I can't think of a better word, so "incredible" will have to do.

This is a scale drawing of what the set looks like from above. This is from the program we received when we arrived.

This is the inside of the program where they had a
break-down of what each area represented.

Kevin and our friend, Kenny standing in the
"Court of the Gentiles" where we entered the set.

As we entered the set in the "Court of the Gentiles",
"Solomon's Porches" was on the right....

The doorway to the "Court of the Women" was on our left...

Inside the "Court of the Women",
which also contained part of the Temple Treasury.
This would be where the widow paid her mites
(Jewish coinage) in tithing.
I just taught this story in
Primary a few weeks ago.

Ken's prop-director created accurate replicas
of the money of the time... Roman AND Jewish coins.
These are what the "Widows mites"
would have looked like!

This was on the way towards the "Pool of Bethesda".
Ken said they used this room for
various scenes depicting Jesus teaching...

In this same room was a replica of what an oven of the time
would have looked like... Imagine cooking in that???
This was too totally cool!

The "Pool of Bethesda"
where Jesus healed the lame man...
no water in it at this time,
but amazing nonetheless!

Just off the area with the "Pool of Bethesda",
was a narrow stairway going to some upper rooms.
Here's Kevin in the doorway to those stairs.

Going up... it was easier than coming down,
let me tell you! ha ha

This was the door to one of the "upper rooms".
I can imagine it being "THE" upper room where
Jesus and his apostles had the "Last Supper".

Above the courtyard with the
"Pool of Bethesda" was this balcony.
They used this as the setting for the scene
where Pontius Pilate washes his hands
of the blood of Jesus.

The next few pictures are various areas that I found interesting...

They used this room for scenes of Jesus teaching in a
"Synagogue" (a Jewish Church).

This was the street they used to film Jesus'
"Triumphal Entry"
into the city on what became known as
"Palm Sunday".

This doorway could have led to somebody's house.

Looks like an aqueduct...

Could "THE" stable of the Nativity
have looked something like this?
I wonder....

"Golgotha" of the crucifixion.
Kenny said that when they filmed those scenes,
it looked and felt so real that sometimes he couldn't watch.
I don't think I blame him...

This was a marvelous adventure. What amazed me most is how real it looked and felt. The stone-work looked like real stone. In reality, it was all made of foam-block; shaped, carved, and weathered to look authentic to the time. The attention to detail was incredible. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Kenny, thank you with all our hearts to sharing this with us. We appreciate it more than we can say. You have an AWESOME job!