Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's for me!

I've had some interesting experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc. about my fitness goals and progress, lately. 

Yesterday was measuring day at the gym. My trainer, Jerry Shannon, was SO proud of my progress. Especially after my diagnosis with Sarcoidosis has kept me from doing as much as I have wanted. The numbers for this measuring day were up six pounds of muscle and down 9.2 pounds of fat! I was SO excited!  I've been at this for two years. For the first year and a half, the scale didn't move...I mean, AT ALL!!!  That was because I was losing and gaining equal amounts of fat and muscle. From the beginning, Jerry has said, "The scale is NOT your friend!" He was right.  It took a lot of mental gymnastics to keep myself from getting discouraged when the scale wouldn't move.

In the last six months however, the scale has been starting a downward slide that makes me really happy. I'm losing more and more fat as I gain muscle. Gaining more muscle actually helps you burn fat - go figure. lol

Today something wonderful happened at the gym AGAIN!!  This time, I was on my own, doing my leg-workout. OUCH!!! By the really hurts! But it's a GOOD hurt, lol. Two women whom I have seen at the gym since I've been there, but not really gotten to know; came up to talk to me. They said they've been watching my progress and really noticed a difference when I came in today. They complimented me on how much better I looked and encouraged me to keep it up. They certainly gave my morning a lift!

On the flip side of this, there have been people in my life who have doubted my resilience and determination. They've said hurtful things and told me that when I talk/post/blog about this, it's a little annoying. While such comments hurt my feelings, they don't deter me from my goals, thank goodness.

I am not one who seeks the spotlight. I am - or have been - very shy throughout my life. Kevin has helped me overcome that a bit. But on my own, I am a sit-at-the-back-of-class-and-don't-speak-up kind of person.  I felt a little awkward when these two wonderful ladies talked to me, today - even as I felt lifted by their encouragement. As I went through the rest of my time at the gym, I had some thoughts about all this.

Over the years, as I've fought my weight issues, I've tried SO many different things....for a myriad of reasons. To get my mom off my back, to try and get pregnant, to please Kevin, to avoid health issues, etc.  This time, I am doing this for me. The nutrition-program that Jerry devised coupled with the exercise routine that is tailored for me combine in a complete wellness program that has me feeling better, stronger and more energized than I have in my entire life!!!! Even If I never lost another inch, I wouldn't stop doing this - because it WORKS and because I feel GREAT!!! 

As I thought of all of this, along with my discomfort from getting attention; another thought occurred to me. I would stand on a stage in front of any number of people and tell my story - in the spotlight, so to speak - if it meant that I could help even one other person find what I've found and feel as much better as I do!  This process has given me hope. Because I've learned to do hard things (including this), I'm finding that I have the courage to try new things. My entire life is changing because I'm learning to believe in myself and have the courage to spread my wings.

So let the doubters doubt and the haters hate (as my son-in-law said to me the other day). This bird is gonna fly! ...And if along the way I can inspire or encourage others in their flight, I'm more than happy to do it!

Thanks to all who have encouraged, supported, and cheered me on! You're helping more than you know!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year - New Beginnings...

I know I said this in my last post, but...Happy New Year!!!

I love celebrating the New Year!  It's like opening a brand new book or pulling out a fresh sheet of paper to write on, or starting a new's all about possibilities.  I'm all about possibilities! I look at people, and I see potential and good possibilities! It makes me happy!

For me, the New Year is about choice. It's an opportunity for me to openly and HONESTLY reflect on my life, my character, and my choices from the year before (or from the years before). In that open and HONEST reflection, I try to let go of things I don't like. Things that cause me (or someone else) hurt or discomfort. Things that are preventing me from becoming the daughter of God my Heavenly Father would like me to be. 

Sometimes that HONEST reflection is painful. It's in our human-nature not to like criticism, even self-criticism. But the ability to see ourselves as we truly are, be honest about it, and make it better is - I believe - one of the main reasons we come to this earth. So for me, the New Year provides me an opportunity to become better.

The nice thing is that Heavenly Father does NOT expect us to become better all at once. Thank goodness!!!  Line upon line, here a little, there a little - steady upward progress is what He looks for. 

So it's the New year! Let's evaluate ourselves and see what we can shed. Get rid of things that bring you down and make you sad. Let go of anger, negativity, and sadness. Shed some baggage, shed some pounds! lol It doesn't have to be a HUGE thing, just change one thing, stick with it, and see how much better you feel. 

Do you want to lose weight? Change something about how you eat or drink. Cut out one soda a day and drink water instead - or make it two! You want to feel productive? Learn a new skill, develop a new hobby, or volunteer. Serving others is a great way to feel better!  Are you depressed, anxious, or sad??? Get help!!! Let go of the things in your past that drag you down. Learn from what you've experienced and move on to a lighter, happier you! If you can't do it yourself, find professional help that REALLY helps! 

Embrace the possibilities! Embrace the New Year! Go out there and make a happy, healthy, wonderful life for you! It's your choice! Choose to be happy!  ...and have a wonderful new beginning of a WONDERFUL New Year!  

Love to you all!!!!