Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It never rains, but it pours...

...but at our house, it's hailing!!

It seems as if life is determined to test our little family.  I just read the blog-post prior to this one, and realized the challenges just keep on coming - and coming - and coming....

Sinus infections started it.  Pneumonia and bronchitis followed.  In the midst of canning 50 pounds of potatoes, I started having shoulder pain that hasn't gone away.  Jackie got her impacted wisdom teeth removed.  I scheduled that for a Friday so she wouldn't miss too much school.  Over the weekend, she started coughing and spiked a fever.  The washing machine broke-down...  Jackie's cough and fever turned out to be pneumonia, which kept her out of school for more than a week.  My shoulder pain turned out to be a torn rotator cuff, which might need to be repaired surgically.  This morning, the water heater decided to join the fray and stopped working.  Can you see the hail falling down??

As bad as all that sounds and lest you think I am engaging in a pity-party; let's look at the other side of the coin.

Kevin got better.  Let's say that again!  Kevin got better!!!!! (He had me more than a little worried.)  I can still use my OTHER arm and I'm learning to do things left-handed.  Who knows, by the time I'm done with all this, I might actually be ambidextrous. haha  The washing machine got fixed. (thank-you Marc & Deb)!!! 

All kidding aside, I have been looking at our lives, and in spite of the challenges we're facing, I can see so many, many more blessings that have been showered down upon us.  

We have a loving family-relationship.  Kevin and I have a wonderful marriage that we both treasure!  Our children are learning, growing, and becoming the daughters of God Heavenly Father wants them to be.  I have a wonderful son-in-law whom I cherish!  Kev has a good job.  We have a nice home that shelters us from the elements.  We have loving family and friends who enrich our lives beyond measure.  Most important, we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.  We've made covenants in Heavenly Father's Holy Temple which will allow us to live as a family forever.  We have a living prophet on earth today and apostles to help lead and guide His Church.  Their counsel and guidance enrich our lives beyond measure.  We have the knowledge that we are children of God and that He loves us.

When viewed through the lens of our many blessings, what seemed like hail now looks like a gentle Spring shower.  

Good thing we have a blessing-umbrella!