Sunday, June 7, 2020

Where Can We Turn for Peace?

Through the open window lightning flashed, thunder boomed! Sirens wailed, helicopters rumbled overhead! Someone was in trouble! Chaos seemed to rage all around.

Inside our cozy cottage nestled in the foothills, it was peaceful and serene.  We had just finished our "At Home" Sacrament Meeting. For the moment, it seemed as if we stood on Hallowed Ground.

The contrast between the world outside my window and the serenity of my home got me thinking. Where DO we turn for peace?

For me, as I'm sure you all know by now; I turn to the Gospel and my faith in Jesus Christ.  One of my favorite Hymns is "Where Can I Turn For Peace?"

Where can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace when other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice, I draw myself apart, searching my soul?

Where, when my aching grows, where, when I languish, where, in my need to know, where can I turn? Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish? Who, who can understand? He, only One.

He answers privately, reaches my reaching in my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend. Gentle the peace He finds for my beseeching. Constant He is and kind, Love without end.

But that's me...

Where do YOU turn for peace?

For many people, it's a place to go...

For others, it's something to do or create...

Or maybe it's something physical... Or a combination of any or all of these?

Whatever it is...wherever it is...may we each turn from the divisiveness, anger, and malice that seems to infect society all around us. May we find our peace and then share that with others by radiating that peace through kindness and positive attitudes.  Whether you believe as I do or not, Jesus Christ is STILL a perfect example of sharing the song says... "Constant He is, and kind, Love without end..." 

May we all strive to be likewise and share the peace we find - however we find it.

Ok, that's the end of my Sunday-musings...

Have a great (peaceful) week y'all. 

Love you,


Friday, June 5, 2020

In a "Perfect World"... a "Perfect World"...

We wouldn't need laws because the people would be perfect and govern themselves perfectly. We wouldn't need police because we wouldn't need them to enforce the laws that we wouldn't need because perfect people would govern themselves perfectly.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. We are not perfect people, and we do NOT govern ourselves perfectly. Hence, the need for laws and those who enforce them. That being said, those who enforce our laws are not perfect either. Thus the need for oversight and care in ensuring that those who enforce our laws follow those laws and law-enforcement guidelines that are designed to keep law-enforcement officers in check.

Prejudice exists in this world. That is a sad fact of living in this imperfect world among imperfect people. When you have people who think that the color of their skin, or the tenor of their beliefs, or the degree of their education, or the balance in their checkbook makes them somehow superior to other human beings, that is prejudice. Another form of prejudice is exhibited in some activist-mentality that shouts that if you don't agree with me, you are somehow inferior or biased or stupid, etc.  This mentality seems to think that if they yell loud enough to drown out other opinions, they can convince the world of their own rightness and superiority of thinking. They demand equality and tolerance while standing on the street corner shouting down the opinions of those who disagree with them. How is that tolerant?

The beauty of this life is the gift of agency that we have all been given. We each have the ability to choose for ourselves. We can choose to believe in God - or not. We can choose to follow a religion - or not. We can choose to exercise and be healthy - or not. The difficulty erupts when we refuse to allow those around us to make their own choices whether we agree with them or not. Whether or not you believe in a religion, there is inherent in this life, the concept of right and wrong. That concept is bound up in and exhibited by the laws by which we live as citizens in our countries. The beauty of the gift of agency is that we don't all have to make the same choices or believe the same things. We CAN disagree and be kind and civil as we do so.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I have very strong religious beliefs. I will share those beliefs with whomever wishes to hear them. Just ask me! However. I will defend with my last breath the right of another person to NOT believe as I do - to choose a different path than I do. It's been said that we can disagree without being disagreeable.

Recently, there has been much furor about "Black Lives Matter". It IS true that Black lives matter.  It is also true that Asian lives matter, Native American lives matter, Hispanic lives matter, Muslim lives matter, Christian lives matter, Caucasian lives matter. ALL lives matter. Whether we agree with one another or not, ALL lives deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. For me, that is the essence of being a Disciple of Jesus Christ...I try to go about doing good as He did. 

After all, two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ ended the debate on which lives matter - He died for ALL!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Because of Him

As I have pondered this Easter celebration, I thought about what Jesus Christ did for all of us, and what it means for me personally.

Before Him, there was darkness, fear, despair, anguish, and torment of soul. We were trapped by the consequences of our choices while in this mortal sphere. Until He came and broke the bands of death, we would never be able to return to our Heavenly Father. Darkness, fear, and pain were all we had...

But He did come! He showed us the pathway home by how He lived - perfectly obedient to the will of His Father - of OUR Father. Because He came and fulfilled His mission, we can be forgiven for our mistakes through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Because He came and atoned for us - because He gave Himself as a ransom for us, we can be washed clean. He died and was resurrected, breaking the bands of death.

The greatest message ever shared was shared by the angels at the Lord's empty tomb: "He is not here; for he is risen as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." *Matthew 28: 6*

What JOY!!!  What WONDER!!!  From grief and despair came hope, joy, peace, and awe! He who was dead, lived again!!!

"This is what we celebrate on Easter Sunday - we celebrate life! Because of Jesus Christ, we will rise from the despair of death and embrace those we love, shedding tears of overwhelming joy and overflowing gratitude. Because of Jesus Christ, we will exist as eternal beings, worlds without end. Because of Jesus Christ, our sins can not only be erased; they can be forgotten. We can become purified and exalted. Holy. Because of our beloved Savior, we can forever drink from the fountain of water that springs up into eternal life. We can dwell forever in the mansions of our eternal King, in unimaginable glory and perfect happiness" * Deiter F. Uchtdorf*

Because He lives; everyone I love and value most in this life will be mine throughout eternity. I get to live with those I love in an eternal family - because of Him. 

"His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son." *The Living Christ - The Testimony of the Apostles*

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Days Never To Be Forgotten...

Wow! I didn't realize I haven't written anything since Christmas. I'm such a

Looking back, I realize that the world looks so much different today than it did a short three months ago. These can be frightening days if we let the fear and anxiety in.

For me, the thing that keeps any fear at bay is faith. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1: 7, "For God hath not given us  the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love...".  We are the sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. He knows each of us by name. He is aware of all of our concerns and everything we experience in this life. There is great strength that comes from the knowledge that you and I are children of God. Within us is a spark of divinity. There is comfort and peace in knowing that no matter how difficult and yes, scary, the world looks; He will not leave us to deal with life alone.

In the Doctrine and Covenants section 6: 34, 36-37, the Savior says: "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. … "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven." When Jesus performed the atonement, He didn't just suffer for our sins. He endured all that we must endure in our mortal journey.  He did this so that in times like these when we are faced with trials and difficulties; He would know with PERFECT empathy, EXACTLY how to help us through it. What you're feeling RIGHT THIS MINUTE, He felt for you so He would know what you need to endure these trials.

It's ok to be a little overwhelmed. As far as I know, none of us has endured anything like this global pandemic before. It's ok to feel sorrow for things we are not able to do. There's an entire graduating class who are missing some milestone events right now. There are first time mommies who are missing baby showers. Weddings that have been planned for months are being postponed. Jobs have been lost and people are left wondering how they'll pay their bills. Feeling bereft at these events is normal. But let's also be aware of how blessed we are. We have the ability to shelter in our homes and stay safe and keep others safe as well. There is hope and help available. 

There are incredible acts of kindness and generosity playing out all over the world. People are reaching out (from a safe social distance) to help, support, and uplift one another. There is goodness, gratitude, compassion, and love all around us. 

I have faith - not fear - that we will get through this as we bless and serve one another. Even if it IS from a distance, we can help each other through this. God is on our side and will not leave us comfortless. D & C 123: 17 reads: "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

The world is still a beautiful place. People are generally kind and helpful. Life is worth living and experiencing with joy. Like Louis Armstrong said so eloquently "...and I think to myself, what a wonderful world..."

PS: If you want to feel the peace and love Heavenly Father can offer you; I invite you to tune in this weekend Saturday and Sunday - to the General Conference broadcasts of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can view them at  I promise that as you watch and listen with a sincere desire to find peace; your desires will be fulfilled and your heart will be comforted.