Wednesday, August 24, 2016


She's broken...

Without even knowing what we were witnessing, we watched it happen. 

Bit by bit, a little at a time, he broke her down. 

A little coercion, a little manipulation...

A bit of abuse - add some subjugation...

Start it early, continue it slowly at first. Break her heart....

Dim her light, Shake her confidence....

Isolate her. Scare her... 

Make her feel like she's utterly alone....with only you to depend on.

Now you've got her....break her spirit.

...and without knowing what we were seeing...we watched it happen.

The light that shown so brightly dimmed. The soul that leaped at life stumbled, faltered...almost fell. The light that blazed with joy and hope almost went out...almost.

But, what strength! What a warrior spirit! Somehow, some way...she fought her way free! 

...and came home to us.

Now the healing begins. Now the hope arises. 

Now the light..oh, the precious light that is her beautiful, blazing soul's coming back.

Time and patience and love...that will bring her back to us. That will heal her soul.

Her beautiful, vibrant, joyous, unique, and precious soul....that wasn't completely broken, after all.