Sunday, December 31, 2017

Out with the old...

Ring in the New!!!

In April of 2011 I was preparing for major facial reconstruction surgery the following month. Basically, the doctors were going to restructure the bones in my face and jaws to allow better air-flow so I wouldn't stop breathing when I slept. Eventually, they decided to do 11 separate procedures in one surgery. To say I was scared would be an understatement.

That April I was listening to General Conference when I heard a talk about "becoming a Saint through the Atonement of Christ". Elder Kent F. Richards spoke of being a surgeon and the part that pain plays in the treatment and healing of physical injuries. Then he tied that to the part pain plays in our spiritual growth and repentance. His talk spoke directly to my fears about this surgery. I knew that the bones in my face would be deliberately broken, moved, and reset. I knew that soft tissue inside my mouth would be reshaped and changed surgically. Most of all I knew that all of these things would cause me great pain.  Elder Richard's talk gave me a lifeline. It reminded me that Jesus Christ had already walked this path of pain for me. It gave me something to hang on to during the long, dark hours I spent in the ICU - often in excruciating pain. I learned that if I was willing to allow Him in, Jesus Christ could sustain me in my trials - and that I would become better acquainted with Him because of it. I learned first hand, to "lean on Him". I felt His peace and comfort throughout that whole ordeal. When I initially heard Elder Richard's talk, I felt Heavenly Father asking me if I was willing to endure the pain that was coming my way so that I could become better acquainted with my Savior and become more like Him. Of course my answer was yes.

Little did I know that taking such a leap of faith would lead to so many other lessons in my life. I thought that accepting the challenge to become better acquainted with my Savior applied only to this particular event in my life. Silly me!  Since then I've discovered that this event was just me opening the door and allowing Father to test and try me to a level of faith I've never dreamed of. I learned that He wants my surrender. He wants me to willingly and cheerfully submit my will to His.

In the last six years, I've had life lessons I never imagined in my wildest dreams or nightmares. I've had physical challenges, health challenges, parental challenges, and many more. I've seen family members suffer similar experiences and much worse. I've cared for family members with dementia, and others with mental illnesses I would not wish on anyone. Through all these experiences, I have drawn strength and faith from my Savior, Jesus Christ. There have been nights when all I could do was lay my burdens at His feet and beg for a modicum of peace to carry me through the next day. EVERY time, He took my burdens and gave me peace.

The year 2017 has not been without these same trials. However, I can say that I have been tutored at the feet of the Master. I can say that only through Him have I been able to endure these challenges in my life. I am so grateful for a Father-in-Heaven who loves me enough to take me by the hand and teach me through my life experiences, how to be the daughter of God He wants me to be. I wouldn't go seeking these trials and tests (who would???); but when they come, I know from "whence cometh my strength". 

So as we ring out the old...I do so with a grateful and humble heart. I am looking forward to ringing in the new with happy anticipation and  hope for joy, peace, and love for myself and all of you.  

Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Peace on Earth...

...or even just in my heart...

I'm sitting here in my cozy, warm house. The washer is running, I'm almost done unloading the dish washer (I'm taking a break), the lights twinkle on my Christmas tree, and Christmas Carols are playing in the background. Outside the wind is howling as it sweeps in ahead of a winter storm that's forecast to bring snow. There is satisfaction from the work I'm doing for my family, and peace in my heart.

I was pondering this feeling I've had in my heart all day. Serenity, peace, call it what you will. It's not as if there's no struggle or strife in my life. I've learned that "hard things" are part of this mortal experience. But how, in the midst of turmoil, is it possible that I'm feeling so calm and at peace?

Part of it is this Christmas Season. However, for me, it goes deeper - while still having it's foundation in this most wonderful time of the year.  For me, it goes all the way down to why we celebrate Christmas at all. One of my favorite Hymns is "Where Can I Turn For Peace?"  I read the lyrics again today, and it truly says what's in my heart:

"Where can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart,
Searching my soul?

Where, when my aching grows,
Where, when I languish,
Where, in my need to know where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand?
He, only One.

He answers privately,
Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Gentle the peace He finds for my beseeching.
Constant He is and kind,
Love without end..."

We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas - but why? Because "...God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life..." (John 3:16)

I love the story of the Nativity...the peace and joy of that wonderful night. The humility of the shepherds, the strength and faith of Joseph, the quiet serenity of Mary, and the joy and triumph of the Heavens singing praise. 

But I love what His birth represents.

"He is a quiet invitation
He is hope when hope is gone
He is lasting peace 
and the answer we are seeking.
He is the pathway home..." *Hilary Weeks "He Is"*

Everything I have that matters to me,can be mine because He came to earth - to a stable, in a manger - because He lived and set the example. Because when His time on earth was through, in a way I don't understand, but for which I am eternally grateful - He took upon Himself my 'wounded heart', my sins, my imperfections and paid the price so that I wouldn't have to if I willingly repent and heed His 'quiet invitation' to come unto Him.

So, because of Jesus Christ and His perfect Gospel, I am able to sit here, listening to the hum of the washer and dryer, the sweetness of Christmas music; while the storms of life rage around me; and I can be at peace.

My prayer for each of you this Christmas Season and always, my dearest family and friends; is that you too, can find that peace and solace - that 'love without end'. 

I wish Heavenly Father's blessings on each of you, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas. May you find peace, love, light and joy.

Merry Christmas with all my love,
