Thursday, February 8, 2007

Getting this show on the road...

...or getting this roadshow on the stage...

Our Stake put on their roadshows, this Wednesday. Each Ward chose a "Mormonad" at random, then presented their interpretation of it.

Our Ward chose one about a couple out to eat at a fancy restaurant. When the husband's phone rings, it's clear he's talking to his child who needs help with a video game. It's also clear the other diners are irritated with the interruption. After giving a few pointers, the dad cheers and says, "Way to go, you just saved the universe." Then the waiter says, "Dessert is on the house for anyone who just saved the universe." It was really cute.

Our kids did the whole thing from both the kid's and dad's perspective. In our roadshow, it was pirates and not space invaders.

They ran through rehearsal a few times beforehand...just to make sure they had the swashbuckling down-properly.

In the end the applause was genuine and everyone had a really great time. The imagination all the kids in the Stake showed was just hilarious. They all did a really great job.

Of course, Amanda wasn't sure if the roadshow was Wednesday, or if they were having a dress-rehearsal. Thank goodness I got an email from the Young Women's leaders. I had 45 minutes to get a costume together for Mandy. Given the time constraints, I don't think we did too badly.

...Although we didn't manage to get her a she's holding an imaginary one...

The rest of her outfit looked pretty good...

I still remember the roadshow we did when I was in Young Women's...ask my sister and brother "what's the date?" haha Amanda's was so much better...


Caline said...

We Barbezat girls just make the cutest pirates don't we? :^)

The Schultz Family said...

Hello!!! I finally have a blog. Yeah for me.
SO keep in touch!