Monday, April 16, 2007

It must be Spring...

Sitting at my computer desk, here in our apartment; I can look out the window and see the most beautiful trees. They're all in full flower and just gorgeous.

When we walk the dogs along the "green-belt" areas of the apartment complex, we see other trees that are flowering and beautiful as well...

This complex is really nicely landscaped, and attracts all sorts of birds and small animals. We have ducks, Canadian geese, bunnies, squirrels, robins, pigeons, doves and the occasional cat that we have to trap...

HA HA HA!!! Just kidding, that's just Rover after Kevin dumped the laundry basket over him. Kitty looks happy, doesn't he?

Seriously, though... Spring seems to bring all the local little animals out to frolic in what is essentially our backyard...some really interesting species, too...

This specimen is called a "Teenage-a-saurus"...of the female gender. Amazing the wild-life you can see in your own backyard, isn't it? haha

By the way, anyone who knows what kind of trees are in these pictures, please let me know. We LOVE them and wouldn't mind planting some at our new house, but don't know what they are. Thanks, and Happy Spring!!!