Friday, January 14, 2011

In awesome wonder....

I don't really know where to begin with this post. I am still awestruck and amazed.

I guess it all comes down to the shoes. When Amanda started basketball this year, I asked her if her shoes from last year were ok, or if she needed new ones. She said she was fine with what she had. Little did I know that THIS (see below) was what she planned on playing in.

A stylish fashion statement - maybe.
Good basketball shoes - not so much.

This past Tuesday, at her game, I heard someone ask what size shoe Mandy wore. I thought the coach was telling her to get better shoes. I made a mental note to shop for shoes the next day, and didn't give it another thought.

A little later, I noticed two girls (students at Amanda's school) walk in with a shopping bag and a shoe box. They handed them to Amanda and told her it was for her.

Then they walked out before I could get down the bleachers to thank them or pay them back. All the parents in the stands sat in amazement at this generosity. I mean... Who does that nowadays??? After the game I asked Amanda who the girls were, and she said just classmates from one of her classes. I asked her to get their names so I could pay them back or at least thank them.

Imagine my surprise when she came home from school yesterday with ANOTHER pair of shoes. This time, real basketball shoes.

The "Shoe-Angels" had struck again!!!

I still don't know who they are. I will definitely be making a more thorough inquiry into it. In the meantime, I am grateful and amazed. How nice can people be???

In the last two games, Amanda's playing has improved by leaps and bounds!

Maybe it's the shoes...

ps: I wrote the school Principal to let him know what amazing kids he has at the school. I was hoping that these girls would get some kind of recognition. Here is his response:

"I had no idea that this happened! Isn't it great that there are great people in the world, and here at Rockwell?!

I have found out who these students are, and have passed on your thoughts to them. They don't really want any recognition, but say they just did it because they wanted to do something nice for someone else."

Well, they DID do something nice, and I KNOW their kind actions were recorded in Heaven. Whoever they are, they have my deepest gratitude and thanks.


The Schultz Family said...

Thats so awesome! Its so hard to just let it go and not want to repay them. But they did it to be kind and you should let them, don't try to pay them back. Just thank 'em. Which I think is WAY harder to do. Gotta love kind people.

OneCrazyFamily said...

That is wonderful. It is a beautiful thing to know that there are still amazing people out there that also teach their children the same thing. Prayers with you and Congrats