Sunday, April 13, 2014


If I had to sum up my feelings in one word, that word would be "Grateful".  

Have you ever worried, fretted, prayed, wept, and prayed some more for someone besides yourself? Sometimes, those feelings and prayers are much more intense because there is nothing else you can do for that other person - especially if that person is someone you love very much.

There are people in my life whom I love very much, who are going through some hard things right now. There isn't much I can do to help except love them, be a listening ear, and pray and pray and pray. (And weep copious floods of tears in their behalf).

Today I got to see those prayers answered in a small way.  Knowing that as much as I love these people in my life, our Heavenly Father loves them infinitely more; brings me great comfort.  He hears every prayer in behalf of His children.  This is just my opinion, but I feel that when we pray for someone, it's like for that moment, we carry their name before their loving Heavenly Father and shine a spotlight on their needs. Today I got to see Heavenly Father turn and shine His light on those I love, and I felt peace.

For this and so many, many other things, today...I feel grateful.