Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Living life and loving it!!!

I have a chalkboard key/hat-rack hanging in my kitchen. On it, we write messages. Sometimes silly, sometimes meaningful, often funny. This  month it looks like this...

That got Kevin and me thinking...what ARE we thankful for? 

An obvious answer for both of us was each other. Another, of course, was the Gospel in our lives. But those answers got me thinking even more. WHY????

Why am I thankful for Kevin? He's my best friend. He "sees" me - warts and all - and for some strange reason, loves me anyways. He "gets" me...(that should probably scare him a little haha). He's SUCH a good man, and always wants to do what's right. I could go on and on and on and on... Oh, and he's SOOOOO handsome!!! ♥♥♥♥

The Gospel??  Quite simply, it makes me happy. Everything I value most (especially Kevin and our children) are mine for eternity because of the Gospel.

I'm grateful for challenges. Those that come in life and those I issue to myself. They all teach me so much!

Recently, I issued myself a couple of challenges that are truly teaching me new things, and making me find joy in this journey.

One was to dive back into reading the Book of Mormon when President Monson issued his challenge last April. Everyday when I read, I find my love for and testimony of this great book increasing.

Another was to accept the challenge by President Russell M. Nelson to study the Topical Guide entries in the scriptures under the heading "Jesus Christ".  I also decided to keep a scripture-study journal of my efforts. I've never studied the scriptures this way before. It's interesting, and I'm finding new insights that I hadn't thought of previously. My testimony that Jesus is my Savior grows each time I open the Topical Guide and start to study. I am loving how much I'm learning!

I have also decided that my journey towards physical health and fitness needed to be more of a priority. That led me to choose not to let other things get in the way of following my meal/exercise plan. What a difference that decision has made.

In the last month I've set some weekly goals or myself and met every one of them! I've pushed myself and been very disciplined about working out and eating healthy. The results are encouraging to say the least!!!  I've lost 18 pounds in the last four weeks!!!!  Just in the last two weeks, I've lost 9 pounds of fat, and put on 2 pounds of muscle!!!  I feel so much better and I am really enjoying myself. Who'd have ever thought I'd actually enjoy exercising?????  Certainly not me.

So, in answer to my chalkboard question....What AM I thankful for????

I'm thankful for this life and the opportunity to live it. To choose for myself the path I need to take. To choose to find joy in my journey through pushing myself to be the best "me" I can - spiritually and physically. To live this life with the love of my life - with all the ups and downs, funny and sad, stressful and happy things that come our way. 

I'm thankful that I get to choose to live a life of gratitude and joy!

Happy Thankful-month!!!!

What are YOU thankful for??????