Dear Family and Friends;
Kevin and I wanted to give you all an update on the latest development in Kevin's health.
In December, blood work from a routine physical showed indications that something was wrong with Kevin's prostate gland. Over the last two months, he has undergone ultrasounds, MRI's with contrast, biopsies, and a PET scan. The final diagnosis is that Kevin has stage 3 prostate cancer that has spread to several of the lymph nodes in the pelvic region. The good news is that it has not spread anywhere else in his body.
This type of cancer feeds on testosterone, so the first step in Kevin's treatment is hormone therapy to lower his testosterone levels. He began the first medication for that treatment last week. Over the next 6 weeks, he will add another medication to boost the first. After a couple of months, if tests show that the prostate and the cancer in it has shrunk, Kevin will undergo radiation therapy. This will be location specific, so not as invasive.
After an initial pity-party – I mean, have you SEEN Kevin???
He's “Mr. Healthy and Fit”!!! This diagnosis was pretty lowering for both of us. We definitely did NOT see this coming – but, we are at peace. We know – without a doubt – that Heavenly Father has a plan for Kevin. We know there are things we're supposed to learn from this challenge that Heavenly Father has entrusted to us. We're eager to learn and be taught so we can grow and progress. We have faith in the Lord's plan and in the treatment Kevin is receiving. Trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father will help us through this.
We'll keep you posted as things progress. Kevin is still going to work, working out at the gym (it helps with his mental health as well as physically), and being steadfast in his Church assignments. It's Kevin... how could you expect anything else?
Your prayers and positive thoughts are more than welcome. Thank you all for your love and friendship. They add flavor and joy to our lives.
All our love,
Kevin & Annette