Friday, October 3, 2008

Hanging Gardens...

I was emailing my sister (Caline) the other day, and mentioned how grateful I was that I had finished college and was done with school. That's true for SO many reasons, but partly because I do so much "home-work-help" that I feel as if I'm back in school myself.

The math homework usually gives me a head ache. I have an easier time with spelling, English, Spanish, and Social Studies. Occasionally, I am called upon to help with BIG projects like the one Jackie just completed. In those cases, I sit in amazement at the talent and creativity of my children. The last one of these I helped with was Amanda's pyramid made entirely of sugar cubes. *That was fun since we painted them gold before gluing them together.*

Here's what Jackie came up with as a representation of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Mesopotamia! I now know more about Mesopotamia than I ever learned in college...go figure!

Jackie found this example on the internet and used it as a guide for her creation.

Here we have built the structure, gotten the waterfalls and river in and added trees around the base.

The hanging garden is beginning to grow...

After three days, bunches of silk plants and flowers, dozens of hot-glue sticks, and several burnt fingers...Viola!!! The Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the architect of this project.

As if to put His stamp of approval on the whole project, the Grand Architect shared one of His priceless creations at the end of our day.

Since He is the source of Jackie's creative mind... I'm sure He'd give her an 'A+' on her finished work of art. Great job, Jackie!!!!!