Saturday, October 18, 2008

Making memories...

I absolutely
LOVE being a mom. No doubt about it, it's the best job for me! One of my favorite parts about being a mom is making happy memories for my kids. I hope this weekend was full of those happy memory-making moments for Amanda. Today was my first baby's 15th Birthday!!!

The social event of the season began last night with a party/sleep-over for Amanda and 4 of her friends.

By 6pm, the decorations were in place...

The table was set for dinner and snacks...

...and the guests had arrived!

There was cake...

...and some of it actually got IN her stomach...

and there was entertainment

Then the festivities continued with the family-portion of the BIG event...

Amanda got her first "grown-up" perfume (Vera Wang's 'Princess') from Grandma, a great make-up kit with a beautiful case from Uncle Marc and Aunt Debra, money and gift cards from Auntie Deb, Uncle Steve, Chelsea, Shane and Brea, a cell-phone decorating kit from Auntie and Uncle Charlie, AND... within a box, inside a box, in another box... HER VERY FIRST CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!!

So...Make a wish, my darling girl...

Your "Sweet 16" is only 365 days of happy memories away!!!! *sigh*