Friday, January 2, 2009

A story to start a New Year...

Once upon a time...(isn't that how all good stories are supposed to begin?) ...there was a young man who had a silly sister.... One evening around Christmas time, this young man's silly sister was peeling a banana.

The young man foolishly teased his silly sister saying that she looked like a monkey - the way that she was peeling that banana...
Upon being teased about looking like a monkey AND noticing the mistletoe hanging in the hallway...this silly sister said, "If I'm a monkey, then I'm going to give you a monkey-kiss!"

Terrified by this ominous threat, the young man fled for his life. He ran screaming through the house with his sister (who was now ACTING like a monkey) hot on his heels. Hilarity, laughter, and general chaos ensued...but the damage was done. The young man had developed an innate fear of bananas.

Years passed with the young man keeping this fear hidden from the world. Then one day the Young man's silly sister had a silly daughter who accosted him using... guessed it...a banana

...and they all lived happily ever-after...

the end