Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference

So, Amanda needed to see a live choir performance for her choir-class at school. Since General Conference came along at the perfect time, we got tickets from our Bishop and I took Jackie and Mandy to the Saturday Morning session. What a great experience!

I am SO glad I got to take the girls to a live session of General Conference! It was so important to me that they have this experience and feel the great spirit that was there.

Kevin took this before we left!

Bless the Utah Transit Authority for the TRAX commuter trains. It made the trip into Salt Lake so much easier. I didn't have to fight traffic or try and find parking! AND the train stops right at Temple Square, so we didn't even have to walk that far!

We weren't able to take any pictures during Conference, so here's the first one I could take after Conference was over.

What a great meeting. The Spirit was SO strong and the talks were amazingly inspiring! I hope the girls felt it, too. I hope their testimonies were strengthened. I know mine was!

A really nice couple took this picture for us! I had such a great experience, I hardly wanted to leave!!

I'm so glad we went! I really love this Gospel!