Wednesday, October 13, 2010

There's something in the air...

I think it's Fall! This is my favorite Season of the year! I love the hint of a crispness in the air, the long, deep, afternoon shadows, and the warm, vibrant colors. There's a sense of anticipation that perhaps comes from the last burst of energy all of nature gets before the long sleep of winter. Maybe it's the snap and spice of color and scent before the cold, white that's coming. Whatever it is, I love Fall!!!

Yesterday, I saw it all around me. In pumpkins on display...

and trees showing off their autumn splendor...

Maybe it was the nip in the air that I felt as I poked my nose out my door in the morning that inspired me. Whatever it was, it got me started. Inside my house it was warm, quiet, and cozy. Perfect for baking bread...

So I did!

As I finished up and the warm loaves were cooling,
I listened to my first (and one of my favorite) Christmas albums of the year...

I could feel my heart lift and my soul settle -
I felt peace, joy, and contentment...
Ah, the arrival of Fall!
Life is good!