Monday, March 28, 2011

More Tender Mercies...

Today I have been blessed with the opportunity to take stock of the good things in my life. It was a nasty, cold, snowy, windy day. But periodically throughout the day, the sun seemed determined to remind me that it hadn't given up on Spring!

Each time it struggled to break through the storm, the sun cast the mountains around me in beautiful contrasts of light and shadow. I couldn't help but be grateful for getting to live in such a beautiful place.

I had to pay bills today. As I did, I realized how blessed I was to be able to pay my bills. In these economic times, so many people can't.

I thought with more than a little trepidation about the surgery I am facing in May. Rather than dwell on my fears, I thought of the gift of modern medicine that allows this surgery to help prolong my life. Also, the fact that we have medical insurance to help defray what will surely be a major expense.

As I rushed around to pick up my kids and run the errands needed to care for my family, I realized how lucky I am that Kevin has the kind of job he does. Because of him and how hard he works to provide for our family, I can stay at home and be the mom. So many other women don't get the chance to do that. I am SO grateful!

Finally, we went to our dear friends' house for Family Home Evening. The Price family is awesome. Warren and Marnee have really done a great job teaching and raising their kids. Joseph gave a lesson for Family Home Evening; about the Prophet, Joseph Smith, and the "First Vision"

The lesson was simple, but the spirit was sweet. My faith and testimony were strengthened. The kids were profound in their genuine expressions of faith and testimony. Their faith bolstered mine.

This day ended with another example of Heavenly Father's "tender mercies" in my life and that of my family. We had a wonderful family night with great friends who made us feel welcome and included in their sweet family. We left with our stomachs and spirits filled and our hearts overflowing with fellowship, testimony and love. Thank you, SO much; Warren, Marnee, Joseph, Matthew, Hyrum, and Abby!

It's been an awesome Monday!

What a great way to start our week!