Thursday, June 2, 2011

Home at last...

...Actually, I got home Monday, but haven't had the energy to post anything before today. I'm doing this now, because today is "Doctor-day" and by the time we get home, I know I'm going to be a whupped-puppy!

Monday was probably the most difficult day of this whole experience. I felt better, I'd been moved up to the recovery floor after 14 days in ICU, and my surgeon had said I was going home that day. Unfortunately, it was also Memorial Day. Bit of advice...NEVER try to get discharged from the hospital on a Holiday. It doesn't work very well. In addition to that, the hospital doctor who was following my condition wanted to make sure I was getting enough nutrition without the feeding tube, so he wanted to keep me another 24 hours. When I heard that, I couldn't stop crying. I think one more day would have made me insane!

Not that I was being mistreated, by any stretch of the imagination, I just needed to be home! I couldn't believe how absolutely desperate I was to get back to my family! The staff at the hospital had been exceptionally kind, patient, and understanding. Even when I spent a good deal of Monday bursting into tears seemingly without provocation. I think they were trying to calm me down so I didn't precipitate the flooding we've been so worried about. haha

FINALLY, my surgeon came in to see me. He reviewed my caloric intake, checked my vitals, saw that I was packed and ready to leave, and promptly discharged me from the hospital.

I don't have the words to describe how it felt to walk through the door to our home. I'm a ninny, I know, but the tears would not quit flowing. Especially when I saw the surprise Kevin had made for me. Knowing that I'd be spending quite a bit of time recovering in our bedroom, Kevin LITERALLY spent hours redecorating and cleaning it. Instead of the place where things landed when nobody could figure out where to put them; our bedroom has become a quiet, peaceful, lovely place to come relax and feel at home. Kevin truly is the best man I know!

I am grateful, with all my heart to all the doctors, nurses, technicians, orderlies, and others who cared for me during my two weeks in the hospital. I can tell that God sends His angels where they can be of the greatest service...because He has so many of them there.

But I think Dorothy said it best and I agree with her 100%:

There's NO PLACE like home!!!