Sunday, June 26, 2011

Still more "Tender Mercies"

I thought that recovering from all the surgery I had was going to be difficult enough. However, just when you think things are tough....they can get worse.

A week ago, I developed some serious congestion in my lungs. I wheeze when I breath and have moments where getting enough air seems impossible.

I have been to the pulmonologist, had multiple tests, and finally went to urgent care, yesterday. The doctors say I have "Stridor", which is an adult form of croupe. Whatever name they give this condition; it makes breathing quite a chore. Going across the house can leave me completely without air. It's more than a little scary.

Fortunately, I got some treatment yesterday in the form of a steriod shot to ease the inflamation in my upper lungs, and antibiotics in case there's infection in there, too. It's working, but working slowly. The alternative is to go into the hospital for observation and to have them suction out my lungs.... No, THANK YOU!!!!

All that being said, I received another witness today, that my Heavenly Father is aware of me and knows just what I need. I have not been well enough to attend Church since the Sunday before my surgery (that was May 15th). I miss it, very much!

Today I was supposed to attend Church with Kevin at his Young Adult Ward. They were having a special musical number that Kevin wanted to share with me. Obviously, I wasn't able to go. When the young adults heard that I wanted to come and couldn't, they jumped into action. They got a portion of their Ward choir to come to our house. They treated us to a mini-concert of several beautiful hymns; including Julia Sanchez singing "I Stand All Amazed" - which happens to be my very favorite Sacrament hymn.

They didn't cure my breathing problems, but they helped heal my worried heart. I don't think they realize how much this meant to me or how much they helped me feel the Spirit. They were certainly instruments in the Lord's hands in showing me more of His "tender mercies".

I am very humbly grateful!!!