Thursday, December 13, 2012

Things I am learning...

A couple of years ago, I published a post about my attempts to lose weight (In a post entitled "Invisible, no more...).  A lot has happened since then, not the least of which were surgeries and complications.  Needless to say, the weight-loss hasn't happened as I hoped it would.  That's not to say I wasn't trying....I was just trying without much success.  At the end of this summer, after really trying to shed some pounds, I went to my doctor for a regular check-up.  Instead of losing weight, I was up 20 pounds!!!  I was devastated!

Of course the first person I turned to was Kevin.  We discussed our options - my doctor's recommended weight-loss clinic with its meal-replacement (and related expenses), gastric bypass surgery (researching THAT scared us both!), and finally, working with a personal trainer.  After much discussion and prayer, we chose the latter-option.

Kevin has been going to the gym at a local place called the XSI Factory.

He has become acquainted with many of the people who train there, and a few that work there, as well. One of the personal trainers who works there, is Jerry Shannon. Jerry is a physical trainer, and certified nutritionist.
Jerry doesn't just teach nutrition and exercise, he lives it as well. He is kind, dedicated, and patient. Best of all, he was willing to help me. Kevin embarked on this journey with me. My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle to achieve a healthy weight. Kevin's goal is to lose fat and build on the muscle he already has. Jerry developed a meal plan and an exercise plan for each of us; tailored to our individual needs. It was incredible! We each eat six small meals a day, and work with Jerry three times a week. It's been great to have Kevin and Jerry's support. It helps that Kev and I are both eating the same things. 

Meal-plan and exercise schedule in we went. We really didn't have to change too much of what we were already eating, we just added more fresh-foods and whole grains. For me, the exercise was the biggest obstacle. I have NEVER been a fan of exercising for the sake of working-out. 

So, here we are, eight weeks later...I have lost 16 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle. More than that, I FEEL amazing! I feel more alert and have so much more energy. I am sore a lot, but it's a good kind of sore. It's the soreness of muscles that are learning how they're SUPPOSED to work, not the soreness of joints that are aching because they're carrying too much weight. I can honestly say that I LOVE how I feel. 

Along the way, I've learned some things about myself. I've learned that I can eat foods I didn't think I liked. haha I have learned to LOVE oatmeal - who-da-thunk that???? I enjoy yams (didn't know that about myself, either...hummmm). I actually enjoy exercising. I look forward to my time at the gym. I enjoy the soreness I feel after a work-out because it tells me that my body is changing in a good way. I'm learning how my body is supposed to work. I'm learning that I am tougher than I thought. I am learning to see my own strength and to use it to get healthy. I am learning to live, eat, exercise, and progress in a healthy life-style that will benefit me for the rest of my life. Once again, Heavenly Father is teaching me that I CAN do hard-things.

As I progress on this program, I will post updates. Maybe, if I get brave enough, I'll share some pictures. Most of all, I appreciate the love and support I've received so far. I certainly couldn't do this without Kevin and Jerry's help. It would be a lot harder without the encouragement from all my family and friends. Stick around...the best is yet to come! 

PS:  Any of my local friends and neighbors who are looking for a healthier lifestyle, or just a great place to exercise, check out the XSI Factory.  Their address is:  4425 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi, UT. They even have a facebook page!