Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby, it's cold outside...

It's the end of January. Welcome to winter in its fullest...brrrrrrrr

Does your world look like this?

Is something like THIS
a major part of your winter-wardrobe????

Do you FEEL like this?

...or this?

Have no fear...give in to no winter-doldrums...
Spring is ONLY a month and a half away.

In case a month and a half feels like it's WAAAYYYY too long for you to wait, I have a few suggestions to get you through the winter-time blues...

These may seem silly, but if they help even a little, they'd be worth it!

1: Force some spring-flower bulbs in the house. Nothing is more cheerful than daffodils or tulips brightening up your home on a cold-winter day.
2: Find some tropical pictures or spring/summer-time pictures and use them as wallpaper on you computer.
3: Cut pictures of warm, sunny places out of magazines and put them up around the house. Who cares if they aren't framed...they'll make you smile and dream tropical dreams.
4: Listen to summer-time Beach Boys, Kenny Chesney, or island-music
5: Think "sunny-thoughts"...look for the good in your life and count your blessings.
6: Look for someone for whom you can be of service. It doesn't have to be anything major. It could be a quick cheerful email or note. It could be saying hello to the person who bags your groceries, or a "Have a nice day" to the teller at the bank. Find someone to serve and your spirits will lift, I promise!

At Church we sing a song titled, "There is Sunshine in My Soul, Today". If you're feeling some winter-time blues, try to find the good in the world around you, think positive thoughts, and find the "sunshine in your soul". ...and don't lose hope...

Spring really IS just around the corner!