Monday, February 6, 2012


By "Mormon-culture" standards, I was practically an "Old-Maid" when I got engaged at the ripe-old-age of 24. It seems laughable now, but my poor Mom despaired that I would ever get married. I had actually graduated from college and was starting a career at that point in my life. Oh, the HORROR!!! *that's heavy sarcasm in case you're wondering* ...Poor Mom.

Needless to say, she'd managed to put quite a lot of pressure on me over the years, which didn't make life very pleasant. Coming home from a date to be interrogated on why he wasn't "the one" was not fun, to say the least.

I finally got to the point where I asked myself the question: "Could I live a happy, fulfilled, interesting, righteous life, whether or not I EVER got married?" Of course the answer to that was a resounding "YES!!!!" It was an incredibly liberating feeling to have that epiphany. Poor Mom could never understand why I thought that way.

Fortunately for her peace of mind, and the joy of my life; Kevin (whom I'd known since High School) and I fell in love and got married. The road that led me, or I should say us, to that point was not always easy. But it was SO worth the wait. We both got there because we kept Heavenly Father as our partner in every aspect of our lives, and followed where He led us.

We got engaged 24 years ago, today. Looking back, I can see how everything in my life before that day was leading me to that point. I can also see how everything since that day has led to greater and greater happiness. Not to say there haven't been bumps (or even MOUNTAINS) in our path along the way. But doing things the way Heavenly Father directed us; made everything worth it.

(Engagement photo)

Kevin often tells the story of when he told his dad that he was going to ask me to marry him. His dad said, "Son, if you marry Annette, you'll never be bored!". Kevin says truer words have never been spoken because in 23+ years of marriage, he's never been bored...and neither have I.

Thanks for asking me, Kevin! I'm SO glad I was smart enough to say "Yes!"