Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's that time again...


Last year and this year have seemed a little surreal as school started.  I guess I'm still not used to only having one kid going back to school.  This year, Mandy wasn't even in the house.  Like I said...surreal.  Still this is life and change is definitely a constant here at "Happy Acres".

This year Jackie begins her Junior Year of High School.  She has changed and grown over the summer.  She is still our "Whackie-Jackie" and makes me laugh like nobody else can, but there's a depth of maturity in our girl that is heart-warming.  Just like every other school year, the night before school started, Kevin sat Jackie down and gave her a "Father's Blessing".  Again, like every year, I sit in awe at the counsel and wisdom our Heavenly Father shares with my children through Kevin as he exercises his priesthood.  I am grateful beyond words for the gift of a husband who worthily honors his priesthood.

So, while Jackie begins her adventures as a Junior in High School, Amanda and Chris continue their adventures of newlywed-life.  Amanda is working at her first job as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).  She finds it challenging and rewarding at the same time.  What she loves most is having the opportunity to care for her patients.  Mandy loves the elderly, so this job is a great fit!

More adventures in our family came today as Jackie got her driver's license.  She passed the driving test with her Driver's Ed teacher a couple of weeks ago.  Today we trekked down to the DMV and got her license.  Jackie's excited....the drivers of Utah County should beware. haha  Actually, she's a good driver, just not very experienced. 

 Seems as if this has been our year for milestones....Like I said, change is definitely a constant here at Happy Acres.