Saturday, September 7, 2013

Invisible vs. Inspiring...

September 29, 2009 I posted a blog entry entitled "Invisible No More".  It was a very personal entry about my weight-loss journey.  I re-read it again today.  Interestingly enough, I've strayed from the path that prompted that post.  Strayed?  Maybe not the best word, maybe I should say I've found a better path on that journey.  When I wrote that post, I was in the midst of trying yet another "fad-diet".  It worked for a time, but didn't last, anymore than any of the others had.

On December 13, 2013, I wrote a related post entitled "Things I Am Learning".  This was the start of a different, healthier weigh-loss journey which nine months later, I am still on.  What does this have to do with today?  Well, hang around for a bit longer and I'll tell you.

When I first began working with Jerry Shannon (my personal trainer/nutritionist), the most difficult exercise I could do was something akin to cross-body-toe touches without actually bending far enough to touch my toes.  Ten to fifteen minutes on the treadmill on a zero incline almost did me in.  I measured initially at over 155% body-fat.  YIKES!!!  Now, I am doing resistance-training (weights), I am able to do every exercise Jerry gives me, and have increased my repetitions.  Yesterday I did 35 minutes of interval training (inclines up to 6+%) on the treadmill.  On my days outside of the gym, I am regularly walking a mile and a half!!!  What a difference nine months have made.  Yesterday we measured me.  I am below 138% body-fat.

This was me at my heaviest...almost 400lbs.

 This is me, today!
What prompted this new blog entry?  Well, I'll tell you...

Yesterday, at the gym, I was approached by a woman who was just leaving after working out.  She was fit and trim and looked amazing!  As she walked out the door, she caught my attention then said, "You are inspiring!!!".  I looked at her and said, "Who? ME?!?!"  She laughed and said, "Yes, YOU!!! You are an inspiration to all of us!"  Me?? An Inspiration???? WOW!  I said "Thank you!" and pretty much finished my work-out walking on air.

I have never thought of myself as inspirational.  I am just me...doing what I do.  I feel blessed and lucky that Heavenly Father has heard and answered my prayers.  He has put people in my life to lift and inspire me.  He has guided me through experiences which have given me the courage and faith to do "hard-things".  Let me tell you, for someone my size and in my physical condition; walking into that gym the first time was a hard thing!!  Along the way, I have developed some habits which are helping me be accountable.  

Every time I work out, I post my experience on Facebook.  I have such supportive family and friends who read my posts and give me encouragement.  I need that!  But I mostly post to FB in an attempt to hold myself accountable to those loving and supportive family and friends.  Every time I work-out I report to Kevin what I've done.  He's become my "work-out-buddy".  He's WAY more advanced that I am, but we do similar exercises and allow Jerry to torture us  both into shape.  Along the way, we've developed similar aches and pains.  Ask about life after a "leg-day" sometime. haha

I have a beloved sister who regularly responds to my FB posts with "Keep it up, Sissy...I am SO proud of you!"  I can get SO much mileage on the treadmill with posts like that!  I have an equally beloved sister-in-law who regularly calls me "Skinny-Lou-Who".  I can lift extra reps with THAT name in my heart!

I have been the one sitting at home moping about my lack of energy and obese condition.  I have also been the one out there actively pushing myself to be better.  I have felt the aches and pains of obesity and the arthritic conditions it causes.  I would rather feel the muscle aches and pains that I currently feel because I am out in the world getting healthy and strong.  Every time I feel muscle aches, I tell myself "But, it's a GOOD pain" haha

In the end...I would rather be INSPIRING than INVISIBLE!!!!


jumperhop said...

Great post, you inspire me too.
Love you,
Jen Hales

jumperhop said...

You inspire me too.
Jen Hales