Sunday, October 13, 2013


It's been a tough few weeks here at Happy Acres.  Kev and I both had a sinus infection that wiped us out pretty thoroughly.  Then Kevin got REALLY sick with a cough that turned out to be pneumonia.  Then had a severe allergic reaction to the medication the doctor gave him and almost ended up in the hospital.  

Scared me a little.  (Ok, more than a little.)  Just when Kevin started feeling more like himself, I came down with a cough and Kevin whisked me off to the doctor.  Who knew pneumonia was contagious??? Not me!  According to the doctor, my lungs looked and sounded "junky" that a new medical term? lol

In the midst of all this, I have taken time to look at our lives and found great reasons to give thanks to our loving Heavenly Father.  As bad as Kevin got, it could have been so much worse.  As sick as I've felt the last few days, I didn't get as bad as Kevin because my sweet Hubby took me right in to get this treated.  We have had Ward members bring us dinner and friends and family praying for us.  We have felt the benefits of those prayers everyday.

Most of all, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who trust us with challenging circumstances in our lives.  I see Him guiding me through these challenges and trusting me to learn the lessons from them that I need to learn in order for me to become who I am supposed to be.  

Today I felt a little better (getting a warm shower definitely helped! lol).  I had a long talk with my Heavenly Father and then read my scriptures.  I am so grateful for the time I get each day to learn from the scriptures and talk to my Father-in-Heaven.  I love how it makes me feel.  I love how much closer to Him I feel when I do what He asks of me.  My days go better, I am more patient, kind, and understanding.  I love His influence in my life.  Most of all, I love how grateful to Him I feel each day, for His love, kindness, and tender-mercies!

Just sayin'...