Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Post-Birthday wishes...

This past Tuesday, the 24th, was Kevin's Birthday.  It was kind of a bummer-birthday for him. Not only did I have cataract surgery the day before, but I was on crutches and unable to bear any weight on my left foot, at all. So instead of me spoiling him and making a fuss over his special day; Kevin was literally waiting on me - hand and foot.  Needless to say, this Birthday did NOT go down as a winner in the record-books.

That being said. I need to take a moment to write this tribute to this wonderful man I married. He will probably be embarrassed by all this, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do....and I didn't get the chance to make a big fuss on his actual birthday, so I'm using my literary license to do it here.

I have said it before, but Kevin is quite frankly, the best man I know. He is handsome, quiet and strong and funny. He is kind and sweet and gentle (and handsome). He is fiercely loyal, and unfailingly honest (and handsome). He loves his Heavenly Father and honors the Priesthood he holds.

Kevin grew up with two brothers, so Heavenly Father decided to throw him into the deep end of the estrogen-ocean and give him only daughters to raise. He loves his girls...he is very protective of them, and has set a very high bench-mark for their husbands to follow. As a Dad, he could be strict, but he never failed to take time to play and have fun.To this day, the Christmas holidays aren't complete unless he's quoted the dialogue and sung every word of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas". 

For some crazy reason, Kevin loves me. 

He puts up with all my faults, foibles, health-issues, and weaknesses - and loves me anyways. He sees my heart and loves me, heart and soul. His love is a gift beyond price.  We've been married for 27 years. 

There are still times when he walks in and (as my mom used to say) my heart goes "pitter-patter". (Did I mention that I think he's handsome?????  Just  All these years later, and he's still the one I want to wake up next to, the one whose hand I want holding mine, the one I want to slow-dance with in the kitchen like we're the only two people on earth, the one I want to grow old with.

So, even though this wasn't the most stellar of Birthdays for you, Kevin. I hope you'll accept this "tribute" with all the love prompted it.  I love you, Darlin'!


Kevin Webster said...

Thanks, Honey! I love you! 😘