Thursday, June 14, 2007


This seems like the move that never ends. We were so happy on our original moving-day, May 18. Everyone was excited to finally get our stuff out of storage.

We all worked together and got so much done in that first weekend. My brother, Marc, and his wife, Debra, pitched in and really helped get the kitchen set up. Amanda and Jackie did whatever they could, as well.

A quick trip up to Idaho a couple of weeks later, and I brought the most important things back home for good...Kevin, being at the top of THAT list!

On this last trip down from Idaho, we had evidence that we're not in Prescott Valley anymore... The temperature dropped 50o and there was snow on most of the mountains we drove through. This was in JUNE!!!!! YIKES!! Big weather changes for us, I'm sure.

The best thing I can say is that although we are still wading through a sea of packing-boxes, we are all in the same house and in the same state. It may be a state of confusion, but we're in it together!