Friday, June 22, 2007

You make me feel like dancin'...

...Well, maybe not ME, but Jackie and Amanda certainly did. This past week, they attended a dance camp for 4 hours a day at the Legacy Center (community center) here in Lehi. They learned several different types of dancing. Everything from ballet to jazz and folk to hip-hop. Being as different as they are, of course they each had different favorites.

Amanda LOVED the grace and beauty of ballet and hula.

Jackie had such a good time learning jazz and especially hip-hop. Being as energetic as she is, this didn't surprise me at all. In this picture, she is getting ready to start the jazz number, so she doesn't look too energetic.

In the end, they were awarded certificates of completion. They both had a great time, made new friends, and learned something new. That was the point, so I'd say dance-camp was a roaring success!

Smokey, on the other hand...didn't dance, at all. She just laid around looking cute...