Friday, January 25, 2008

...As Time Goes By...

I have two wonderful nieces, both of whom have birthdays this weekend. I have loved them both as if they were mine; since they were born. This weekend kind of marks milestones in both their lives.

Tomorrow, my niece, Stephanie, will celebrate her 18th birthday.

This June, she'll graduate from High School!!

She's changed quite a bit in the last 18 years. See for yourself.

This was her FIRST Birthday.

Just look at her, now!!!

Sunday, my niece, Chelsea, will celebrate her 21st Birthday.

Chelsea's done some changing, too. Take a look...

In these pictures she's 3 and 1, I think.

This past year, Chelsea got married.

She made a beautiful, VERY HAPPY, bride.

This summer will mark another milestone in Chelsea's life.

Chel is expecting her first baby.

Happy Birthday to both "my" girls! I love you both, with all my heart!

...and may all your Birthday-Wishes come true!