Saturday, January 12, 2008

Rites of passage...

Just this afternoon, Kevin and I were commenting that we were coming up on our 20th wedding anniversary, this year. Both of us decided that it didn't feel like 20 years had passed. Then we took a close look at our kids...that made things seem a bit farther along.

Amanda spent the afternoon at a Youth activity, today. They went to a homeless shelter in Salt Lake. Our Ward provided a whole bunch of casseroles and the kids took them to the shelter and served dinner to the people there. It was a great experience.

When Manda got home, she ate a quick dinner and hurried off to get ready for the dance. This is where the "rite of passage" comes in. This is Amanda's FIRST official youth dance. You know, the kind where your mom or dad drops you and your friends off at the Stake Center and you stay for three hours and hopefully some cute guy asks you to dance at least once. *sigh*

We blinked, and our "baby" is old enough to go to a dance and hope that a boy will ask her to dance. Gee, the last 14 years have just flown by. Now us having our 20th anniversary is more understandable. *BIGGER sigh*

PS: Not just one cute boy, but THREE cute boys asked her to dance. I guess this one goes in the books as a success!