Thursday, January 24, 2008

Goin' to the dogs...

Maybe they can sense an animal-lover. Maybe it's just having a new person from whom to get attention. Either way, whenever Marc and Debra come up to visit, they get visited by every animal in our house. Poor Marc got dog-piled, yesterday.

I say "Poor-Marc", but in reality, he held his own fairly well. He was sitting on the floor talking to me while I folded laundry, when Jake and Milo decided to honor him with their presence.

For Jake, that meant getting all the love and snuggles he could.

For Milo, that meant being as hyper and playful as he could. (Being a terrier, that was quite a bit!!)

Being needy and jealous, it soon degenerated into a free-for-all, with BOTH dogs piling all over Marc for attention. He was a good sport about it and gave as good as he got.

On laundry-day at our house, you never know what might turn up in the wash...
Sassy decided to take refuge from the doggy-chaos by hiding in my laundry basket. Thank goodness it was empty of all the clean clothes.

Being an avid proponent of fair-play, Marc decided that Sassy needed some attention. Kind of like the spin cycle on the washer...

Needless to say, once she got over being dizzy, Her Royal-Highness, Miss Sassy, was NOT amused. The REST of us were laughing hysterically, but Sassy was not.

I guess you could call this a "Dog (and cat) day-afternoon".