Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a Dog's life...

...and not a bad one if you're a member of the Happy Acres animal-family.

Today we brushed and bathed the dogs. Milo, the Jack-Russell terrier is simple. In the tub, quick and easy. Jake, the 100+ pound Golden Retriever, is a bit more of a chore. In colder weather (like today - it snowed again) we bathe him in the enclosed master-shower with the hand-sprayer. Since he's so big and furry, it takes some doing and quite a few towels to get him dried down to damp.

Well, the big-baby decided to lay in front of the back door after his bath. So when we started Family Home Evening, Jake was cold and shivering. We had just turned off the fireplace, so it was pretty warm over there by the TV. Jake knows who to play-up to, because he sat by Mandy and looked pathetic... That was all it took. Manda ran and got some more towels and wrapped Big-Jake up in them... This is how they sat the rest of the time for Family Home Evening, tonight.

Spoil our pets???? NAH!!! Not us!