Monday, March 23, 2009

What floats in water besides wood....???

...a DUCK!!! Supposedly! I'm not too sure about ours.

A few days ago, we found our duckling trying to swim in his water dish. So, we decided to give him a bigger "pond" to try out.

This is Steve during the first two seconds he spent in the water...

This is Steve the rest of the time (approximately 15 seconds) he spent in the water.

A VERY indignant Steve-the-duck, spent the next 15 minutes doing this!

If ducks could swear, he would be cussing me-out!

The irony here is that Kevin put him in the water, but the duck is mad at ME! He lets Kevin comfort him after his terrifying water-adventure.

I'm thinking of changing his name to "Fraidy-duck"...or maybe just "Chicken"!!!