Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately... "About what?", you ask... Well, I'll tell you. I've been thinking about... Church callings... AND Chickens!!! You know, "Cluck-Cluck" Chickens!

Here, I'll show you a picture!

You ask: "Annette, why on earth are you thinking about chickens?" Ok, I'll tell you that, too.

We're taking a gardening class through our stake. It's been very informative and so far, everything we've tried that we've been taught; has worked like perfection. It is SO cool to actually feel more confident about growing things. (Normally I have such a black-thumb that plants see me and cower in fear!). So, in thinking about growing our backyard garden (literally the entire back yard will be our garden), we've been thinking about canning, preserving and storing all the potential produce from our garden. It's part of our effort to be obedient to the counsel of the Prophet and our Church leaders. Well... We have thought about it, talked to people we know who have them (chickens, that is), and researched the internet about backyard chicken raising. After much consideration, we decided to give it a try. We have the room, we need the eggs, and away we go. The chicks come in on Friday, and we'll be a "chicken-raising-family". I can almost hear my Dad making jokes about us being dumb-clucks....or the yolk's on YOU!! So, wish us luck...I'm sure we'll need it!

Ok, now why am I thinking about Church callings? Well, 'cause Kevin just got a new one. When he was called to serve on the High Counsel of the Orem Singles' Stake, Kevin was told that it was potentially a three-year calling. He was also told that he probably wouldn't get to serve the entire three years because the High Counsel seemed to be used as a training-ground for Bishoprics for the Singles' Wards. Sure enough, last Tuesday, we were called into an interview with the Stake President. Short version is that Kevin is now serving as the Second Counselor in the Bishopric of the Orem, UT University 15th Ward. They call it the "Friendly 15th Ward". Kevin was sustained and set apart this past Sunday. It was a wonderful, spiritual day. Since Kevin is also taking the GMAT (test for admission into BYU's MBA program), this Friday; we know we're in for some really busy times.

With the garden, chickens, college classes, Kevin's calling in the Bishopric, me serving in the Relief Society presidency, Amanda and Jackie being typical busy teenagers, Mom being here, Marc and Debra's schedule, and life in general; I think our plate is getting pretty full. Still, that's eggzactly what keeps us thriving, right? We'll just take things as they come and keep pecking at life one step at a time...


Unknown said...

I am so Happy for Jamie Taylor having your blog. I can't beleive how big the girls have gotten. I see you are much smaller also!! Sure wish I could say the same for me. Well I am happy to see life in Utah is treating you well. I am sure the releif society is thrilled to have you leading them. Sure do mis having you around Prescott Valley. Kc an I are doing fine. I am going to school and should graduate with an AA in May of this year. Take care and drop me a note if you get a minute. My E-mail address is kaceymom@hotmail.com. Ann Custin