Friday, November 20, 2009

Operation Beautiful

My sister sent me the link to a really cool site. (Thanks, Caline!!) It's called "Operation Beautiful" at . Basically, a teenage girl went around her school posting uplifting messages on sticky-notes all over. The idea has spread and lots of people are getting into the act.

The idea is to inspire people by encouraging them to be their best-self and to see the beauty inside. I LOVE this idea and want to start in our area.

So, here's my first attempt... (I'm borrowing the idea from something I saw on the Operation Beautiful website)

"The sun is shining...
The sky is blue...
The world is beautiful,
...and so are YOU!!!"

In a totally unrelated issue, here are the latest pictures of Amanda and Jackie!

Spongebob buns!

Spongebob jammy-pants...what next?