Monday, January 4, 2010


Back in November of 1995, I went to the AZ Animal Control Center (dog pound) looking for a new kitty for our family. I found a beautiful tabby-point Siamese kitten with sapphire-blue eyes (he was about 9 months-old). As soon as I took him out of the cage, he snuggled into my neck and started purring.

Kind of like he's doing to Kevin in this picture...

How could I not take him home with me? It turns out that he had become a favorite of the staff at the pound. Twice the paperwork on him had been "lost", extending his stay at the pound well past the time when he would have been put to sleep. The day he chose me was the last day he would be allowed to stay. Apparently the supervisor had put a stop to the staff "losing" his paperwork. In choosing a name for my new friend, I took that into consideration. As we left the pound, I looked around and saw that this facility was right under the loop 101 freeway there in Phoenix. Because of that and the fact that we were saving him in the nick of time, we named our new friend "Freeway".

Over the years, Freeway made new friends and saw them pass-away. He made more new friends, like "Smokey" in this picture... He became the undisputed "King of the House" among all the pets we've had.

As he got older and developed arthritis, he HATED being cold. Last winter, Jackie took pity on him and made a snuggly-nest for him to nap in. We called it our "Freeway-burrito".

Fifteen long, happy, well-loved years later; Freeway's time has finally come. My dear kitty-friend passed away, today. He went quietly in his sleep...snoozing in front of the warm of his favorite places. He will be sorely missed...the "King of the House" has gone to join all the pet-friends who passed before him.

Freeway was mine...or I should really say, I was his. He chose me as much as anything I had to do with it. He was a good kitty and gave us all a lot of love. When Grandma came to live with us, he adopted her as his favorite lap in the house. He LOVED keeping her company in her nice-warm sitting room.

So with lots of love and gratitude we say a very fond farewell.... Bye "Freeway-kitty"...we love you...and thank YOU.

I miss you...


Alicia said...

So sorry about your kitty. He seemed very well loved and I'm sure felt all that love until his last moment.

Netty said...

Thanks, Alicia. He was a good kitty, and will be missed.

dhunt03 said...

Dang it! I didn't want to cry today!