Monday, January 18, 2010

Joseph Smith, the Prophet

Tonight, for Family Home Evening, Kevin and I went with the Young Adults from the Ward where he serves in the Bishopric(Mandy & Jackie weren't feeling good, so they stayed home). We drove up to Salt Lake and met at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. That in and of itself is amazing to me. We used to come here as tourists. Now we get to live here and can come for Family Home Evening activities! That is SO cool!!

Anyways...We went to the Legacy Theater to see Joseph Smith The Prophet of the Restoration.

What a great movie! I loved what I learned about Joseph Smith as a man and a Prophet of God!

One of my favorite things was how his love of children (all children) was depicted. Somehow that made him seem more approachable.

When we first began taking the missionary discussion as investigators, Dad gave me a booklet entitled "The Truth Restored". It was the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel. That booklet and the truths in contained formed the foundation of my testimony of this Gospel.

Tonight, that testimony was strengthened. This is definitely the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth, by Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration. I know it's true!

...and THIS was the view as we came out of the theater....How COOL is THAT? ...And we get to LIVE here!!!

I LOVE where I live!!!