Monday, March 29, 2010

"A tale of a LUCKY-Duck!"

...or "The Story of Stevie, the Duck with Nine Lives"...

Life #1: Amanda saves Stevie the duckling from getting stepped on in the feed-store where we bought her.

Life #2: Stevie gets sick as a young duck and is saved by a dose of vitamin B-12

Life #3: Stevie's roommates, the STUPID chickens try to kill her by pecking her eyes...Kevin saves her and sets her up with her own living-space. The dogs sacrifice their kennel to make this possible.

Life #4: In an attempt to assuage Stevie's apparent loneliness, she is allowed to return to the chicken coop. The vicious, STUPID chickens try to peck her eye out again. Stevie is returned to her bachelor-ette pad to live alone in supposed safety.

Life #5 (and today's little adventure): Stevie is viciously attacked by a marauding-mink who escaped from a nearby mink farm and was looking for a duck-dinner. Stevie, aka the wonder-duck - survives by playing possum behind her water dish.

This morning Kev put the dogs out and they immediately started barking at the duck's yard. Kev looked and didn't see anything, so he shooed the dogs away. What Kev didn't know was there was a mink in the pen w/ the duck. As soon as the dogs showed up, the mink hid in the duck-house. When the dogs moved away, the mink came out to finish the duck. That's when Kev saw it. He came in to get his shoes on and the mink somehow got into the chicken coop.

*on a side note*
How that mink got into the chicken-coop equivalent of Fort Knox, is a mystery. We have it chicken wired and secured like a vault. Apparently, not enough.
*end side note*

The mink had one chicken by the back of the neck and wouldn't let go, even when Kev went in to the pen to stop it. Kev whacked it in the head with a stick to get it off, and it ran and hid in the hen house.

The rest of the story is pretty more mink...beat-up chickens...beat-up duck...Kevin is even more my hero!

...and Stevie the duck has used up another of her lives...

Talk about a "Lucky-Duck"!!!!


Unknown said...

So did you get a mink coat out of the deal? It would have to be a pretty small coat, but still... It's the thought that counts, right?

Netty said...

LOL, Jeff! Yeah, that thought occurred to us, too. It was small enough that it might have made one glove. Darned critter!