Monday, December 12, 2011

It's been 12 years...

...since my mom passed away. I think about her everyday. Mostly because everyday there is something I do or say, or teach my kids that she taught me.

Mom had such a great appreciation for fine things. She taught all of us to know and recognize beauty and quality in the things around us. My sister, Caline, has translated that into a thriving business as an antique's dealer.

Mom was a gifted pianist. She loved beautiful music. One of my favorite memories was when she would practice the piano. She'd send us kids out to play, then sit down to practice her piano. I don't know if she realized how often we would sneak back into the house. We'd just sit and listen to her play for hours. She was amazing. I'm sure that love of music is a big reason my brother, Marc is such a gifted choir director and has such a passion for music.

Mom was also a HUGE history buff. She grew up during World War II in Belgium, when it was occupied by the Germans. She was always telling us stories about world history and about her country. I suppose that's why I was fascinated by history and world affairs. That fascination led to my college degree in International Relations.

We all laughingly called Mom the "Queen of Manners". She never failed to ensure that we had good table manners. Because of Mom, all of us know how to properly set the table, handle formal dining, and behave properly in public. We've tried to pass those lessons on to our children. My daughter, Jackie, is very proud of her knowledge of manners and social graces. She owes that knowledge to her Nana...

Mom loved our Dad... He was her heart...first, last, and always. I'm sure none of us ever doubted that Dad came first with Mom....that also, was a great legacy to leave her children.

Mom passed away 12 years ago today....still as I look at those she left behind, I can see that she never really left us at all!

I love you, Mom....I still miss you.