Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jackie and me...

One of my favorite things of all time is being with Jackie...Jackie and her friends, Jackie by herself...just Jackie! She is spunky, funny, smart, out-spoken, opinionated, and one of a kind! She makes me laugh and keeps me young. I love my Jackie!

One thing we've shared over the last two years is our orthodontic treatment...whoo hoo! Talk about a 'fun' way for mommy-daughter bonding!!! hahahahaha At this point in our treatment, we each have EXACTLY two more appointments. We both go in on March 20th for another adjustment. Then on April 16th I get my braces off (just in time for my birthday, which is the 17th!!!). Jackie will get hers off on April 18th.

I have spent all of this morning and early-afternoon with Jackie. If I had to get my teeth worked on, I couldn't have been in better company!

Thanks, J!