Thursday, March 15, 2012

Xanadu revisited!

Last week, Amanda and I attending the Hale Center Theater (Orem) production of "Xanadu".

We LOVED it so much that we came home and immediately went online to purchase tickets so we could take the rest of the family to see it.

Last night was THE night. Kevin wasn't too sure he'd like it. Mom was happy to come along and enjoy a night out. Jackie "doesn't like plays", so she was determined not to like it at all.

Mandy and I were thrilled to share this hysterically funny production with our family, so we were happy to be there.

Jackie??? Not so much...

Still, Mandy was thrilled that her favorite actor,
Darick J. Pead, was playing "Sonny" in this performance...

In spite of their misgivings, it wasn't long after the show started that we heard Kevin, Mom, and Jackie laughing.

A far-cry from the movie, which was considered a MAJOR box-office FLOP, this stage production is a riot. They have no problems NOT taking themselves seriously. In this intimate theater setting, the cast interacts with the audience and gets loads of laughs.

I'm putting this family home evening down in our books as a success...we definitely walked away laughing.