Friday, March 23, 2012

Billion Clicks

I recently learned about a website called . The founder of this site, Hilary Weeks, heard that we think 300 negative thoughts a day. So she got a "clicker" and tried it for a week. By the end of the week, she felt down, sad, and gloomy. Then she had the thought, "What if it works the OTHER way, too?". So the experiment changed, and so did the results. Thus a website/blog and a movement were formed.

I am all about the power of positive thinking. When I saw this website, I jumped right in and bought a clicker.

Of course since my kids and Kevin see me carrying around a bright-red clicker...clicking all day long, I had to share this great idea with them. Now they help me keep track of my "happy thoughts". It's been awesome! The other day, I logged 168!!!

I find myself looking for opportunities to think positive. I am more upbeat and cheerful all day long. I LOVE this.

You could say it's all in my mind...and you'd be right!