Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's a choice!

I've spent the last two days fighting off the "grumpies". No, I don't mean children who have stayed up too late...I'm talking about ME!!! It's been driving me crazy!

Today I had an epiphany! Being grumpy is a choice! It's a state of mind, and I can choose to relocate! It's been wonderful!

So today I am moving! I have traveled through the state of "gratitude", to the state of "purposeful", past the state of "content", and I'm on my way to the state of "Happy". It's been a great trip! I'm so pleased that I decided to get moving!

Monday, May 28, 2012

She did it!!!!!

With more hard work and determination than anyone I've ever met; Amanda made it through her last year of High School and graduated as a Junior!

We are so very proud of our daughter and all her hard work. Here are a few pictures of that wonderful night of celebration!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Anniversary time!

24 years ago today, I entered the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple

and married the love of my life; for time and all eternity.
I thought I loved him then...

Over the last 24 years, we've been through so many things - laughter, tears, joy, and sorrow. Still, we've taken the sorrow so we could find the joy in our journey together.

We endured 10 miscarriages that broke our hearts, so we could experience the two adoptions that would heal them and make our family complete.

We took care of my parents at the end of their lives so we could escort them to the veil of this life and let them pass through it in peace. We could let them go, sure in the knowledge that we had loved them the best way possible.

We've lived and loved, moved and settled, only to move again. Right from the start, we promised Heavenly Father and each other that we would put ourselves in His hands and go wherever He wanted us to go - that we would always keep Him as the third partner in our marriage. That promise has led us to California, Oregon, Arizona, France, back to Arizona, Idaho, and finally here to Utah. Each time, we saw Heavenly Father's hand guiding our lives. Each time, He has had work for us to do wherever we landed.

Now, we're at a very different stage in our lives. Our first "baby" is graduating from High School this week. Our last "baby" will START High School in the fall while that first "baby" begins college. We're a little older (ok a lot older...haha), a little grayer, and hopefully a whole lot wiser. But Kevin William Webster is still the love of my life, my very best friend, and quite simply the very best man I know.

By some miracle, he loves me! He sees into my heart, looks beyond my flaws, and loves who I am! He understands and knows me as no one else ever has....and he loves me anyways! That's miraculous to me!

So, 24 years ago today, I entered the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple and married the love of my life; for time and all eternity. With the hindsight of knowing what was in-store for us after that wonderful day; I can honestly say I would walk through the doors of that beautiful Temple and do it all again!

Kev, thanks for the best 24 years of my life! Here's to an eternity of happiness to come. ...At least neither of us is in the hospital THIS year!

I love you more than there is!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Today, Amanda got the "go ahead" to walk in graduation!!! All of her teachers signed off on her requirements for graduation!

We began this year with the awful realization that the previous guidance counselor at her school had made an error; and she was lacking several classes that she needed to graduate as a Junior. That didn't deter Amanda for one second. She buckled-down and got to work. Even when we learned that these were two semester classes and she'd have to basically double her work-load, she didn't quit. She had a full-schedule of classes during the day and a full-load of on-line classes. Through it all, she's managed to do her very best in every class.

Class-mates and a few teachers have doubted her resolve. They've discouraged her and put her down. Thankfully, she's had the encouragement and support of some outstanding educators, an AWESOME guidance counselor, friends, family, and a loving Heavenly Father. Now look at our girl!!!!

Next week at this time,
Mandy will be a
High School GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never seen anyone work with such determination and resolve. She's doubted herself occasionally, but never given up! I don't think I've ever been so proud in my life!!!
Way to go, Mandy!!!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Being "THE Mom"...

Ever since I can remember, what I wanted to be most was a mommy. When Kevin and I got married, we decided that we wanted 6 kids. We decided that we would have three boys, and three girls. Before we were even married, we had chosen the first and middle names for all six.

Here we are, nearly 24 years later. We didn't get to have those six kids. In fact, I was never able to have children the "normal" way. We were blessed with two beautiful daughters. They just had to come to us "a different way". I thank Heavenly Father everyday, for the gift of adoption. I had to work, worry, wait and pray a LOT in order to become a mom. It made me appreciate being a mom in a way I don't think I would have otherwise.

I have been blessed also to be allowed to "mother" my nieces and nephews. Before I had children of my own, they were my kids. I loved them, worried over them, cheered them on, and prayed for them as if they were mine. How lucky I am to be the "Auntie" to such a terrific group of young adults. They taught me many valuable lessons about being a mom that I have been able to use as my own children have grown up.

When I look at my daughters, I see light and hope and joy and love. They have given me so much and blessed my life in more ways than I ever dreamed. Through their eyes, I have been able to re-experience the wonder of a child. It's given me a view and appreciation of life and the world around me that I never knew was possible. They make me laugh and cry. They make me happy and drive me nuts. They make me worry and make me proud. They've given me more sleepless nights than I can count, and more joy than my heart can hold. I love seeing life and the world through their eyes. They keep me laughing and keep my heart young and vibrant.

Yes, ever since I can remember, what I wanted to be most was a mommy. I can honestly say it's the best and hardest job I've ever had. I wouldn't change a thing, and I'm so blessed and happy that I get to be "the mom".

In honor of all the mothers out there, and in loving memory of my own dear mom...

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Making Progress!

In our Church, there is a program for the Young Women, called "Personal Progress".

It is a program with several categories or "values" in which LDS young women from the ages of 12 through 18, can set and achieve various goals. At the end of each value, there is a list of projects the young women can choose from in order to complete the requirements for that value. This program is similar to how merit badges work in the Boy Scouts. At the completion of all the goals and projects, the young woman is awarded her "Young Women Recognition" award and medallion. This is akin to a young man earning his "Eagle" in the Boy Scouts.

This past week, Jackie completed her "Personal Progress". Next Sunday, she will be awarded her medallion! Jackie did a great job, and worked very hard for this honor! We are SO proud of our girl!

Congratulations, J!!!
We love you!