Saturday, May 12, 2012

Being "THE Mom"...

Ever since I can remember, what I wanted to be most was a mommy. When Kevin and I got married, we decided that we wanted 6 kids. We decided that we would have three boys, and three girls. Before we were even married, we had chosen the first and middle names for all six.

Here we are, nearly 24 years later. We didn't get to have those six kids. In fact, I was never able to have children the "normal" way. We were blessed with two beautiful daughters. They just had to come to us "a different way". I thank Heavenly Father everyday, for the gift of adoption. I had to work, worry, wait and pray a LOT in order to become a mom. It made me appreciate being a mom in a way I don't think I would have otherwise.

I have been blessed also to be allowed to "mother" my nieces and nephews. Before I had children of my own, they were my kids. I loved them, worried over them, cheered them on, and prayed for them as if they were mine. How lucky I am to be the "Auntie" to such a terrific group of young adults. They taught me many valuable lessons about being a mom that I have been able to use as my own children have grown up.

When I look at my daughters, I see light and hope and joy and love. They have given me so much and blessed my life in more ways than I ever dreamed. Through their eyes, I have been able to re-experience the wonder of a child. It's given me a view and appreciation of life and the world around me that I never knew was possible. They make me laugh and cry. They make me happy and drive me nuts. They make me worry and make me proud. They've given me more sleepless nights than I can count, and more joy than my heart can hold. I love seeing life and the world through their eyes. They keep me laughing and keep my heart young and vibrant.

Yes, ever since I can remember, what I wanted to be most was a mommy. I can honestly say it's the best and hardest job I've ever had. I wouldn't change a thing, and I'm so blessed and happy that I get to be "the mom".

In honor of all the mothers out there, and in loving memory of my own dear mom...

Happy Mother's Day!