Monday, May 21, 2012

Anniversary time!

24 years ago today, I entered the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple

and married the love of my life; for time and all eternity.
I thought I loved him then...

Over the last 24 years, we've been through so many things - laughter, tears, joy, and sorrow. Still, we've taken the sorrow so we could find the joy in our journey together.

We endured 10 miscarriages that broke our hearts, so we could experience the two adoptions that would heal them and make our family complete.

We took care of my parents at the end of their lives so we could escort them to the veil of this life and let them pass through it in peace. We could let them go, sure in the knowledge that we had loved them the best way possible.

We've lived and loved, moved and settled, only to move again. Right from the start, we promised Heavenly Father and each other that we would put ourselves in His hands and go wherever He wanted us to go - that we would always keep Him as the third partner in our marriage. That promise has led us to California, Oregon, Arizona, France, back to Arizona, Idaho, and finally here to Utah. Each time, we saw Heavenly Father's hand guiding our lives. Each time, He has had work for us to do wherever we landed.

Now, we're at a very different stage in our lives. Our first "baby" is graduating from High School this week. Our last "baby" will START High School in the fall while that first "baby" begins college. We're a little older (ok a lot older...haha), a little grayer, and hopefully a whole lot wiser. But Kevin William Webster is still the love of my life, my very best friend, and quite simply the very best man I know.

By some miracle, he loves me! He sees into my heart, looks beyond my flaws, and loves who I am! He understands and knows me as no one else ever has....and he loves me anyways! That's miraculous to me!

So, 24 years ago today, I entered the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple and married the love of my life; for time and all eternity. With the hindsight of knowing what was in-store for us after that wonderful day; I can honestly say I would walk through the doors of that beautiful Temple and do it all again!

Kev, thanks for the best 24 years of my life! Here's to an eternity of happiness to come. ...At least neither of us is in the hospital THIS year!

I love you more than there is!