Monday, May 7, 2012

Making Progress!

In our Church, there is a program for the Young Women, called "Personal Progress".

It is a program with several categories or "values" in which LDS young women from the ages of 12 through 18, can set and achieve various goals. At the end of each value, there is a list of projects the young women can choose from in order to complete the requirements for that value. This program is similar to how merit badges work in the Boy Scouts. At the completion of all the goals and projects, the young woman is awarded her "Young Women Recognition" award and medallion. This is akin to a young man earning his "Eagle" in the Boy Scouts.

This past week, Jackie completed her "Personal Progress". Next Sunday, she will be awarded her medallion! Jackie did a great job, and worked very hard for this honor! We are SO proud of our girl!

Congratulations, J!!!
We love you!