Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Beginnings...

To borrow a phrase from my dear friend, Kerri Burch's blog, "It's the MOST wonderful time of the year"... Today was the first day of school. Since my girls got out of school two weeks early, we've had a very LLLOOOONNNGGGG Summmer break. I don't know who was happier for them to start, my girls...or me and Kevin. haha We started them in a Charter school, and they have a uniform dress-code. Sure made choosing their "first-day-of-school-outfits" easier.

Seriously though, we made it through the first day, and everyone had a very positive beginning.

Amanda started 7th grade, and really enjoyed her first day.

Jackie started 5th grade, and LOVES her teacher.

Here's praying that this great first day of school is the first of many good school-days this year!